Feedback talk:User/Eclipse143/Different Shadow Form

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I don't think they change a dead game this much. it's kinda essential for the comunity that stay... :/ --Kali Shin Shivara 01:36, 24 August 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, but the community would stay longer if they nerfed farming.--Eclipse143 05:17, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
I think it is a bit early to call Guild Wars dead. They have not ruled out the possibility of making another GW expansion of some sort after GW2 comes out. If GW's community stays active and the store keeps seeing micro-transactions it might well see new content beyond "Beyond". Everquest 1 is still getting major updates so I don't think it is impossible that GW might get assigned a small team to work on new content once the push to get GW2 right is over. Particularly if GW gets a boost from GW2 which is possible. I know I started playing GWs again a purchased Heroes due to GW2 hype reminding me how much I enjoyed this game before. So while nothing is certain or even likely at the moment I don't think it is beyond reason they might try and fix Shadow Form at some point. Mr. Frost 15:41, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
I for me think its a dead game right now, every guild has the same problem -> inactive or missing members, you see this very strong in PvP... guys who played in high ranked guilds in the past tell you the same. The game and the people that lead actually aren't that skilled anymore like they was when the concurrence was much higher. Sure there could be an update somewhen... maybe also another expansion. But who will buy it? Who will balance it? Actually there are so much useless skills in the game that won't be fixed in the future, because the skillpool is that large. --Kali Shin Shivara 02:14, 30 August 2011 (UTC)
PvP is something that can be concidered a dead game since it has seen little updating and hardly any changes. PvE however is something that is still going strong due to HoM and GWB, but i admit even that has seen a decrease and you see a lot of SCing it is far from dead. The skills of the professions are also steadily being rebalanced and even for HM are plans for rebalance. As long as PvE sees updates like those it won't be dead untill GW2 comes out. PvP is rather questionable if it will survive untill GW2, the arrogant attitude and rank discrimination of PvPers doesn't improve it's popularity either. Even with the recent updates to improve the popularity of PvP amongst PvEers won't save it as long as the Get a rank noob and go back to noob PvE attitude is going around strong. You could almost say that they had it coming, chasing away all the potential PvPers. Da Mystic Reaper 11:04, 30 August 2011 (UTC)

"I hate farming." Would it be more accurate to say you hate farmers? I ask because many enjoy farming and is their source of income, however one sees it. So why try to change something that many use to make the game more enjoyable? Just curious about your motives. Thanks. Sardaukar User Sardaukar sig.png 18:51, 24 August 2011 (UTC)

Farming itself isn't a real problem to a limited degree. Farming items for the traveler or glacial stones and for golds isn't bad. Farming for ectos, shards and other rare materials isn't bad either. What is a bad thing is Speed Clear and the large ammount of gold and items players purchase wich causes inflation on the economy. PvX is the main culprit, Shadow Form the second, but since you can't do anything about PvX SF is the one that does needs to be changed. Your version does look very interresting but has too many functions compressed into it and looks too complex. Also your choise of skill type, dispite the name Forms should be unique to dervishes imo. One more thing is that like it's current function it does not follow the Shadow name theme wich is a skill that heals. If you want to keep it as a form then simply give it a defensive ability like a damage reduction of spells by % like Veil of Thorns, a self healing ability and a supportive ability. Following your skill function either no aftercast on shadowsteps or attacks cannot miss would be best. No need to remove all current effects if you keep it an enchantment spell so it can be removed. Your intention to remove SC is something i support but removing farming i do not as it is has become a fairy balanced scource of incoming after the nerf to the 55 and 600/smite nerf. The areas that do cause economy problems by farming could easily have the spawns changed or the skill bars of the monsters changed. Da Mystic Reaper 19:01, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
Not to nitpick, but doesn't farming (including SCs) cause deflation? My money goes a lot farther because of farmers. Ectos, gem sets and the rest drop in price when there is an abundance along with low demand. If farming didn't take place, items would become rarer and prices would go up. There's demand that drives prices up too, but supply keeps prices competitive because nobody has the market cornered (unlike Titans versus others gems when 600/smite still worked). I only see prices go up when demand is up (like when the HoM calculator was introduced). The farmers keep the market saturated and prices low. Sardaukar User Sardaukar sig.png 20:10, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
A wrong perception. Material prices might have decreased and increased to some point, however the money people ask for rare weapons and other rare items obtained trough SC is outrageous and combined with the massive gold earned these days it can almost be concidered cheap. I have experienced the days when 100k was alot of gold, golds were elite to have and greens even more and only obsidian was the most prestige elite armor in the game and not the most common. The way you talk about it is obvious from someone who started playing after that time and doesn't know the massive inflation it has caused. SC and farming have been seperated into 2 different catagories. Farming is simply killing monsters to obtain the items they drop and done solo or in a pair, SC is to complete an area as fast as possible to get the rewards from the end chests and is done in a full team, the latter is the big culprit of the inflation and is a problem that should not have been allowed to escalate as it has now and still is a problem that needs to be fixed. Da Mystic Reaper 20:29, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
Ok, I remember golds and greens being extremely expensive. But wasn't it because of their rarity? When more players joined and the golds and greens became more plentiful the prices dropped. We can talk about goods or services, the same principle applies. Drok runs were 10-12k at first and then the prices dropped. Why? More runners and with the advent of Factions and Nightfall, better runners. Now the price is 3k. Market saturation and competitive pricing. No unions. ;) Look at the drop in prices for Kepkhet's Refuge, Exuro's Will or Murakai's Reaver. The same is true for Elemental Swords and other golds. All farmed to death. I agree that SCd items like BDSs or Froggy scepters go for a lot, but they wouldn't even be available to most of us if it weren't for SCs. I also think that even the prices for those items will come down when demand goes down. Even now CoF runs are back up to 6k because of the rarity of runners (Murakai's Reaver should be more expensive now than it was in the 2k run days) while a Frostmaw run cost has dropped because of the amount of runners. I guess what I see is that 100k goes a lot farther than it did years ago due to the player base expanding and because of farmers (including SCs). Maybe I’m seeing it wrong.
Just so you know, I don’t consider this an argument but an exchange of ideas. I’ve heard the term inflation in the game economy tossed around before and haven’t seen it recently overall, with the exception of the introduction of the HoM calculator which drove demand and thus prices up, but the economy has resumed normal levels as far as I can tell. Maybe my definition is the problem. I take inflation to mean a continuing rise in the general price level usually attributed to an increase in the volume of money and credit relative to available goods and services.
For me, an example of inflation would be for the supply of Armbraces to decrease. Prices would go up. Right now the market is saturated and prices are at their lowest.
It reminds me of the diamond market. It’s controlled, so the prices are inflated, but if the market was flooded with what’s held in reserve, then the prices would plummet. Sardaukar User Sardaukar sig.png 21:55, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
So when i say "i hate farming" I hate farming. A lot of my gw friends are farmers and I'm perfectly fine with it, it doesn't change my perspective of them at all. But I see farming as an exploitation of the game, but I would almost expect someone to say "Shutup, its not an exploitation" but thats just my individual veiw. I guess my hate for farming is just a mere response to my liking for nostalgia... I liked it way back when greens were so very expensive, when people would rush to deldrimor war camp for sorrows furnace WHEN people actually played on the euro server (and its only america favor now), when there were no team builds for uw/fow, when people would spend hours on thk, when people would have 4 skills of the other profession, when there weren't pve only skills. When necro fow armor actually looked good until everyone got it and now it just looks like a triagular prismatic fungus growing out of their skin.Good times. When droks runs costed 5k and that was a hell of a lot of money for people.--Eclipse143 00:17, 29 August 2011 (UTC)
My "guild wars Utopia" would be Guild wars Prophecies w/o the 55 and elona reach farming. Then guild wars would be perfect. Everyone would be helping everyone, even if they had no shit of a clue who they were. --Eclipse143 00:19, 29 August 2011 (UTC)
The good old times indeed when the only known team build in PvE was in ToPK with the OotV Barrage with pets as tank and 2 monks as healers. Everyone war was running around with either a fiery dragon sword or Victo's weapons and the rare gold weapons were rare and the greens even more (aside the ones from ToPK). How i miss the pre PvX balanced GW. Nostalgia is a good thing to have and to strife for because back then GW was fun, challenging and balanced, can't say that anymore. Eliminating Shadow Form would be the way to start. After that the monk needs to be shin kicked hard so it cannot farm anymore either. When that is done you only need to adjust monster builds to counter OP farming builds and then you are mostly done countering SC and farming. Altough i do not say that all farming builds and locations are bad there are builds that need to be countered for the sake of balance. There also is one more thing to be concidered and that is the activity you will see in certain areas. DoA is now popular thanks to the pug friendly team build Glaiveway and for the more experienced Frostway, nerfing that could mean a death stab for DoA (remember that DoA was't even played before Ursanway got introduced). And then we still have the cons but that is something i see as misplaced hatred because the key problem are the still the builds and even without cons you will still have builds able to clear if you don't change they key farming skills (Glaiveway builds could simply take Quickening Zyphyr and a BiP necro to work again and SF sins would simply take Deadly Paradox). Solo or duo farm build to farm items or materials from monsters are builds that can stay, SC team builds can be shin kicked out of the game. Da Mystic Reaper 11:11, 29 August 2011 (UTC)
Thanks for the feedback guys. The different perspectives help in seeing where the game needs improvement. Sardaukar User Sardaukar sig.png 18:26, 29 August 2011 (UTC)