Feedback talk:User/Gohan2091/Attach Notes To People On Friends List

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This is a valid suggestion of which I posted both in Guild wars 1 and 2 sections. If both aren't allowed, please delete the Guild Wars 1 suggestion but keep the Guild Wars 2 one.

i think this idea should apply to the whole map like a marker system where we can leave comments and notes for personal reference.-- 17:53, 14 November 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, Great idea. Half, no three quarters of people I friend on other games I forget why I friended them, and being able to mark things on the map woud be awesome. I would totally take the time to type out where and how I met people, so I don't just delete them off my friend list. 14:08, 2 December 2010 (UTC)

Hey, I thought of the same thing. (User notes) Previously Unsigned 09:29, 5 December 2010 (UTC)

Wouldn't say I just add people left and right..rather just people I know from GW1 or other mmos..but this would be a nice add-on. Since in the odd occasion, you meet a trader which buys whatever you specialize in farming, and would like to add him, not as a friend, but purely as a contact. So this would be great. --Balthazad
i really like this too, hate when you add people and you have no idea who they are 3 days later XDAurenXneruA 14:44, 28 March 2011 (UTC)

I agree it does sound like a good suggestion. Personally I dont have trouble remembering where I met people. But it can also be usefull to write down certain trade agreements that are unfinished for example. --Kilaa1000 20:26, 31 July 2011 (UTC)