Feedback talk:User/Goril/Vengeance

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I like it but, to hows this for a pvp version 10 Energy3 Activation time12 Recharge time Enchantment Spell; Resurrects the target and for 45 seconds they deal an additional 1...16...20% if this enchantment ends prematurely the target dies, if it lasts its full duration the target suffers from weakness for 10 seconds. 07:12, 14 October 2009 (UTC)

I like it the way it already is... great for using on incompetent henchmen and players who would normally just rack up 60dp if it WASN'T on them. ...Even better on multiple MM heroes ever since they nerfed Pet-corpses from being exploitable. --ilrUser ilr deprav.png 04:42, 8 November 2009 (UTC)