Feedback talk:User/I approve this pwn/Head movement

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Problem with head movement, is camera may be able to turn 180 or 360 degrees. Would look strange for the head to turn all the way around because of camera.--Knighthonor 03:45, 22 August 2010 (UTC)

Add head movement. - I agree with Knighthonor ^
Add voice chat. Enable voice chat for players in your party or who are near you. - While I agree with party and guild voice chat, hearing players near us could lead to problems if they were jerks. It could be disabled, but I don't think it's even necessary at all to hear other people that don't belong to your party.
Add hovering vessels/mounts (perhaps dragons) to create air level gameplay. Aerial tactics. Group rides. Aerial attacks and raids. Aerial battles. - They already stated what they think about this. Players will not be able to fly.
Start on gw3 after gw2 is finished. - I mean, seriously?! If they did in fact this, it meant that GW2 wasn't the perfect game after all, it wouldn't be even close to that. They will do expansions, not another entire game. I sincerely hope there will never be a GW3 (or, at least, that when it comes it's just because of new technology available, and not because GW2 had problems).
Rebuild GW1 and GW2 to take advantage of new gameplay mechanics, technology and elements using existing game data. 1.5 or 2.5 version of each. Introduce new story, objectives and goals. - Ok, first, they wouldn't be able to do that if they were in fact working on GW3. Plus, are you suggesting a patch to a game that isn't even released?? Besides, GW2 has the newest technology available. Gameplay will hopefully be the best they can do, so why make a patch? Story, objectives and goals are added through expansions. GW1 already has 3 campaigns and 2 expansions, and they don't seem to be very interested in making more after GW2's release.
Have varying quest and event lengths and difficulties. Some 10min, 30min, 1hr or 3hrs and reward accordingly. - Checked. (Although I don't think there will be 3h events)
Add natural disasters to destroy towns and environments and increase difficulty to battles. E.g. Storms that invoke lightning damage and blindness to random targets; rain and fog that impede visual visibility and inflict blindness; strong and weak earth quakes that cause knockdowns; tornadoes that carry and throw groups of players around if they get caught in them; fires that burn down forrests and cause burning; epidemics the causes famine, disease and dizziness; locust attacks that destroy crops and attack players all while they're fending off raiders, bosses and foes; hurricanes that destroy towns and areas. - Kind of checked. There will be natural disasters (they mentioned avalanches) and wheather (rain, storms, cloudy and sunny days, etc.). But why in the world would rain blind people? And what would be famine in gameplay? Besides, although it would be interesting to have such mechanics in one or another places (like dungeons), players would panic the moment they would see the sun being covered with clouds, since any kind of wheather besides sunny would cause big trouble to them and wouldn't be fun. And I want to run through the rain and look at distant storms without almost dying. And so do 99% of the other players who are outside killing beasts. -- 13:46, 22 August 2010 (UTC)