Feedback talk:User/Irius Dragonsoul/Relationships

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Sounds like a great idea. The only problem I see is that the player's "partner" would need to have a lot of writing to make them seem real. Otherwise one would read all of the responses (multiple characters, mind you) and the partner" would lose personality and become just another utility to get stuff. Perhaps if there were a large selection of partners, then one person would be unlikely to marry multiple characters off to the same one (unless he/she were smokin' hot). --Thunderduck 1:06 19 May (UTC)

There are a lot of MMOs who have these marriage systems and they are just crap. If it will be implemented, I would certainly not like to be implemented as "player marries player" but more as a "player marries NPCs from their personal story line" This will not transform the chat into a "gay marriage advertising" like other games do.

---I was never thinking of it being like a "gay marriage advertisement," merely it just being a way to be inclusive for all players ;) --Irius Dragonsoul

I was just about to post the same idea, what they should do (if they do implement this) is instead of having it being relationships between players, but instead have it be relationships between a player and an NPC. If any of you have ever played Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the relationships in that game should be a model of how a good one should be. (for those of you who haven't, let me explain it) Your player had two best friends (one male, one female), If your character was a male, a relationship would develop between you and the female NPC (and vice versa) this could be expanded for those who want gay relationships. What made it a great role model was that through choices the relationship got better or worse (ex. you have to options to chose to say to her, one is a compliment the other is a dis, obviously that was a quick example and could be explanded to chosing their idea or doing something against their will, etc.) And through out the storyline you could go from lovers to enemies depending on your choices. To really make it extrodinary, you could have multiple NPCs to chose from, and you could switch mid-story from one to the other (obviously that would tke a lot of time but would be well worth it), the NPCs could have different personalities (ex. one is a hothead who runs in without thinking, while the other is diplomatic. Anyway this could be a brilliant part of the game if they use it and make it in-depth rather than "instant lover" type of relationship. IrishNation 22:54, 17 June 2011 (UTC) <--(sorry was not logged in the first time)

This would be an interesting idea, but the game developers would have to be careful with how they designed it, otherwise it would come out terrible. Players shouldn't be able to have official romantic relationships with one another, because that would just be silly, but like some of the people above have stated it would be possible to make romance options available with NPC's. That said, it should remain "romantic interest" and not go so far as marriage. Having a husband/wife back in your homestead would just be creepy, to be honest. But yes, if ArenaNet does allow us to pursue (or be pursued by) NPC's as a part of our personal story, I agree that it would be really neat for there to be gay/lesbian relationships. Since ArenaNet is going for a story with deep, realistic characters and societies, having some homosexual relationships could (If carried out right) add to the color of the game world, and that goal of depth, without becoming a "pro gay marriage" advertisement. 22:24, 21 August 2011 (UTC)Weindrasi
If there's an NPC wife/husband who works as a tailor/farmer/cook etc, comments about the player being away from home too long, gives daily quest like Nicholas the Traveler does (example: I wish to cook potatoes today, please gather X number of items). My social life would definitely be in ruins :D --Crayon 16:18, 27 August 2011 (UTC)