Feedback talk:User/Izzo/Mounts & Travel

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Good suggestion. Other wiki-ers (including myself) have made similar suggestions. I refer you to World Building and the Death of the Map Jump and Mounts and War Platforms for some additional backup to your suggestion. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 01:34, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

No. I NEVER have enough time during my day to play a game that'd require mounted travel. I've NEVER have gotten anything done in GW1 if there wasn't map travel. And it had nothing to do with "Instant gratification" or "dumbing down" or any other BS. It boils down to allowing players to do what they want to do, and with each other, without unnecessary burdens being placed upon them. And your complaint about it being "clickity", you'll be clicking on EVERYTHING anyways. Map travel isn't going to make it seem any more of less like a website or whatever it seems like to you. Map travel, or waypoints, IS going to be in the game. But you know what? You don't actually have to use it! Amazing, right?!--Will Greyhawk 05:42, 10 June 2011 (UTC)
Agreed, I'd actually like to play the game rather than stare at my mount's butt as I waste what free time I have. Realism's fine and all, but heck making any game with ressurection realistic is a joke. 19:16, 12 June 2011 (UTC)

I'm with "Guild Wars 3 perhaps" on this issue. I've played a spread of MMOs, and ashamed to say WoW was the by far longest lasting one (2004-2011). What they did wrong was outweighed by what was "right". The "Instant Gratification" issue is a real one. It helps casual working players join a game at leisure, which is great, but it invites far more of the immature crowd. The ones that ruin the trade chat and city chat with gloating and insults and racial slurs. I immediately understood what Izzo meant in this suggestion, as I've seen how it can add up to a negative issue. The GW2 team seems to understand this though, and making the game so cooperation rewards all, which could make the community a great place...

But the other problem is the persistence of the world becoming... cheap. When travel turns into instant teleporting, the game actually loses a lot of immersion and you just find yourself teleporting zone to zone for "epic chain quests" that are supposed to make the world feel large, but instead point out its fractured nature.

I agree spending 10-20 minutes traveling is a complete waste of time. And the teleport travel system is probably already a fixture of GW2. Flight paths and other travel gimmicks are annoying to wait for but look "pretty". Maybe a solution is to drop the loading screen and instead show the land "zooming" by. 5-10 seconds of a "loading screen" that makes it seem like you are "energy" or "light" flowing quickly over the land, or going through a wormhole/void of magical energy. Something, anything, to avoid breaking the world by showing an actual loading screen.

Does not apply to instances. Not all loading screens are bad. But seeing a constant one every time you travel... that is a problem. Wazwolf 02:34, 19 August 2011 (UTC)