Feedback talk:User/Karate Jesus/Buff Crippling Anguish

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Crippling Anguish is pretty sexy with Mantra of Persistence... it just costs so damn much energy-wise, especially because hex removal is so overpowered now. Just reducing the cost to 10 (5 maybe? :o) and/or lowering the recharge some would be okay. I bet it would also be used in its present state if it did like -5 degen, too. Vili 点 User talk:Vili 04:01, 21 December 2009 (UTC)

Zzzz, the skills I listed would still be better. Even if CA were 5e, Ethereal would be better because of the energy return (and people remove hexes anyway, so free energy + snare). More degen and a lowered cost aren't good enough, imo. Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 04:08, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
Ethereal takes half a match to recharge, though, so it's really just an energy management skill. For practical purposes of snaring someone it isn't much better than current Crippling Anguish. Vili 点 User talk:Vili 04:16, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
Half a match? Don't use EB in arenas. You snare with a ranger in arenas. Mesmer snaring is for GvG or shit like AB/FA/JQ. And at least you get your energy back with EB vs CA. Idk...I just hope they rework it. It's so bad. Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 04:23, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
Meh. Have CA deal double the degen while the target isn't moving. Depressed people tend to feel better when they are out and about, you know? Vili 点 User talk:Vili 04:27, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
I actually like that suggestion o.0 Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 04:35, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
Ha, this is why I think every skill should have it's own version according to Arena. But that would be an impossible mission for Anet to balance. Previously Unsigned 05:43, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
That is a pretty dumb idea tbh. - Mini Me talk 15:57, 21 December 2009
Unsigned's? Yea....that would be impossible....and ridiculous. There's a reason they killed two arenas. The 4v4 concept doesn't work well in GW. Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 15:59, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, I meant Unsigned's... It would also be really annoying to have 7 (8 if you count PvE) different versions of skills.
But I like your (or actually Vili's) idea for this. It still wouldn't see a lot of play, though, but atleast it will see more than it sees atm. - Mini Me talk 16:05, 21 December 2009
At least it would be moderately balanced. And tbh, it would see play in places like FA/JQ/AB and maybe a little on flaggers in GvG (not on good teams, but in the 1000s). Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 16:07, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
Yes, it I do realize it'd be annoying and impossible. But come on, it's not like every skill would be tweaked for the sake of tweaking. Just an additional PvP version linked to an area if is necessary. That way if something is overpowered in one place all other arenas where it's ok don't have to suffer as well when it gets changed. Previously Unsigned 08:35, 22 December 2009 (UTC)
I love the idea of punishing a foe for not moving. I don't know if the extra Health degeneration is the way to go about it, though. To me, it seems that it wouldn't work well with other Illusion Magic skills (like Shrinking Armor, which could cover it) because you'd have excess degeneration, which is pointless unless you expect to be battling with regeneration, which I don't believe is terribly prominent but I'm not 100% sure on that. The snare that influences them to keep moving is very interesting though, stick with it. =P User Bathory Spirit to Flesh.jpg Bathory talk 04:06, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
There's this hex called Illusion of Pain that deals damage over time as well as degen and it's really effing powerful for its costs, I don't want more copies of that. Vili 点 User talk:Vili 04:17, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
While I like the idea having powersnares can be really really dangerous Lilondra User Lilondra Sig.jpg 07:07, 24 December 2009 (UTC)

This would be too powerful, lasts long, heavy degen and when hardly having a hex removal nearby this skill is a pain InfestedHydralisk 20:53, 25 December 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, Conjure Nightmare is pretty overpowered. Vili 点 User talk:Vili 09:13, 26 December 2009 (UTC)
^ seriously...what's with people thinking this is OP. It would only be a bit rough on GvG flag runners, but tbh punishing for "not" running would be....less than useful as a flag runner. And really, we already have skills that break the degen cap (Winter's Embrace, Weaken Knees, IoP) and would be MUCH more powerful than -7 degen. Even if stacked to -10's still only bad when people aren't moving. Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 18:15, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
im not really on about that degen but 50% for quite a long time (i know it currently lasts longer and stuff). but it had longer recharge so if it gets cleaned earlier your longer free from being snared again. also, winters embrace doesnt last 100% and wk and iop dont snare. i do like the idea but it can be far too dangerous InfestedHydralisk 01:53, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
Imagined Burden + Conjure Nightmare....that is essentially what this is. Half the snares in Illusion Magic are maintainable, so I really don't see the problem. Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 02:01, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
Oh, and it would only be maintainable at 15 Illusion, just like Shared Burden and the current CA. Karate User Karate Jesus KJ for sig.png Jesus 02:03, 29 December 2009 (UTC)