Feedback talk:User/Khaevil/Free Transfer for Top and Bottom World

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Good suggestion. I think you've identified a very serious potential flaw with WvWvW that will need to be addressed. Players will naturally flock to the winning world(s). Eventually, there will be only one world or a small handful of worlds which win all the time in WvWvW. I know that WvWvW pits worlds of relatively equal standing against one another. However, lesser worlds will reach a plateau beyond which they will never advance as a result of eventually being matched against one of the winning worlds.

This will kill the enthusiasm for WvWvW in those worlds because now they are stuck in an endless loop. They're good enough to beat any other world whose score is below their's; but they're not good enough to beat the top world(s). What will happen is they will be pitted against the top world, lose, then be bumped down to face off against a lesser world, win, then back to face another losing match against the top world(s).

Part of the fun of WvWvW - or any game, for that matter - is not knowing the outcome in advance. If, on the other hand, players in a lesser world know - as soon as they enter a match - they are going to lose against one of the top worlds, then where's their motivation to continue playing? Likewise, if they know they are good enough to beat any world that isn't one of the top worlds, that 2-week round is going to be very boring for them. Sure, they still have to put in an effort to capture resource camps, towers, and keeps; but it's already a foregone conclusion they will win the round so long as they make the effort.

It might have worked better if every WvWvW round players were randomly shuffled to a new world. I realize this presents problems of its own outside of WvWvW. However, short of that, there has to be some mechanic put into place to prevent the scenario the OP has presented. Otherwise, we're going to wind up with a situation in which the top world(s) steam roll every other world round, after round, after round. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 16:36, 23 July 2012 (UTC)