Feedback talk:User/MA Anathe/TGENP - Dervish/Mysticism/

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Final notes[edit]

  • The Avatar of Lyssa is the only one I really liked out of the bunch. I probably wouldn't have chosen the +damage myself, but I understand there are players that enjoy D/A Lyssa sins in low-end PvP so I kept it. The other two abilities are strikingly different from any other character's skills. You get to be a battery while you batter your opponent. What I hope would keep it from being degenerate is that the only way you can really take advantage of it is if you're not actually killing the target. The +damage should help with that. (I also thought energy loss would limit the abuse, but I had forgotten Aneurysm.)
  • Avatar of Melandru is what I'm absolutely iffiest on. I settled for the 50% hex reduction because of Natural Resistance. What I hoped was that while you run around as Melandru, you'd feel suitably like a Boss monster yourself. Also, being Wastrel's spammed to death might feel even more bosslike! /Joke.
  • Grenth would be the next one. The effects are synergistic, but they're 'loldamaeg'. Together, these two are the most likely to face revision.
  • Avatar of Balthazar seems the most problematic in PvP. I believe the burning will auto-trigger Deep Wounds. Is that likely to matter?

MA Anathe 04:51, 28 November 2010 (UTC)

Burning auto-triggering DW won't be any different than bleeding doing it, now. That aside, the nerf to the IMS was a pretty huge nerf - previously, you didn't need a strong IMS on top of it in order to be viable. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 7:31, 28 Nov 2010 (UTC)
Dwayna and Lyssa are pretty OP; imagine a team running 8 copies of Dwayna: the combined healing it just too much for casual pressure to overcome (and any one of them could pack hard heals and prots). Lyssa's similar: imagine 3 characters each consistently hitting for +50. That's like a warrior using Executioner's Strike whenever they hit a foe using a skill. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 7:34, 28 Nov 2010 (UTC)
Lyssa actually already hits that hard. The new function is the energy drain. I was under the impression that Avatar of Balthazar hasn't seen competitive play in quite some time so I didn't think the loss of IMS would matter to most players. Since Dervishes have Heart of Fury, it probably does make the most sense to just go ahead and take the IAS back off, rather than aiming for uniformity. As for Dwayna, I did consider that possibility, but perhaps not the full extant. 8 Dwayna scythe-ers doesn't seem problematic, but now that you mention it, D/Mo prots could get very degenerate in such a build. MA Anathe 08:10, 28 November 2010 (UTC)