Feedback talk:User/Rose Of Kali/Binding exclusive rewards to the account

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Nice to see you made a suggestion page for it, as you know I like this suggestion. --talk Qaletaqa Hania 18:44, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I didn't realize how good it was when I first blurted it out in that discussion. Upon a second look after your comment, I fell in love. :P This, ofc, would make chest drops like mini Dhuum/Smite/Polar/Ghostly even more expensive and sought after, having eliminated the competition from the other "leet" minis, but hey, there is a theoretically unlimited supply of those, so I don't care. User Rose Of Kali SIG.jpgRose Of Kali 18:52, 11 January 2010 (UTC)
An incredible suggestion!!!! You are instantly my favorite person. If Anet decides not to implement this I will be very, very disappointed. It's a brilliant suggestion (for reasons you already stated). Way to go! I challenge anyone to come up with the downsides for this. User MadSkillz1o1 sig2.PNG MadSkillz1o1 16:19, 15 February 2010 (UTC)
Assuming there will be birthday minis, would binding apply to them as well? I know a lot of us accumulate minis by the dozens, they can't be sold, but they're too special to just trash. Binding them seems like a great alternative. Also: would you also agree that there should be a menu for the /bonus function? Imagine if you did bind all your minis or account exclusives. You type in the command and your inventory is now flooded... much like with the current /bonus weapons, no? Great idea, Rose. --Ravencroft0 12:16, 12 March 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. Though I don't see your point with birthday minis. Why do you say they can't be sold? They can be traded freely with other players, and none of them are considered rare by any means - thousands of each and every one of them are created every year (yeah, ok, takes a bit longer for the green varieties when they first come out). Speaking of birthday minis, I have a suggestion for that too :D - a Minipet "Nest".
I've thought about the menu part of this, that's only necessary if there are indeed many items. GW1 /bonus items are right around the limit and could use such a feature if the list were to expand any further, but GW2 is still a blank slate, and I'd leave that to the devs. Though, sometimes they do seem like they need a little nudge. But that is a suggestion for the /bonus command itself, while this page is about exclusive reward binding. User Rose Of Kali SIG.jpgRose Of Kali 13:33, 12 March 2010 (UTC)

Erhm... if you cannot sell expensive items, only the cheap ones, how will you get money? Trading prestige items is a good addition IMHO. Like someone prefers having a large sum of money, instead of keeping a little bit of prestige in his pockets. Gelei (talk) 11:00, 23 June 2010 (UTC)

Who said you can't sell expensive items? Tormented weapons, mini Dhuum/Smite/Polar Bear, War in Kryta minis, Gift of the Traveler Minis, Voltaic Spears, Bone Dragon Staves, etc. etc. There are plenty of non-exclusive expensive items left to farm and sell, you completely missed the point. User Rose Of Kali SIG.jpgRose Of Kali 13:26, 24 June 2010 (UTC)

Best. Idea. Ever. Well, not best idea but still good. I agree certain items (ones one from arena net through contests) should be bound to the account. I mean it would also stop people who duplicate rare contest minis and then making them less rare. Of course this is all assuming there will be minis.LeaderFreak 22:09, 16 Aug 2010