Feedback talk:User/Shai Halud/Smarter AIs

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An NPC that asks for a toll would be alright, as long as it went along with the story, but I don't think I'd like it if a bunch of bosses and enemies did that kind of thing. You want me to wade through a bunch of questions before the enemy will turn red and I can kill it? haha Also, WoW has a rating system similar to your suggestion, but their aggro is different. In Guild Wars, we have that little bubble on the mini-map, and it aggros when it's in that bubble. If they continue with that, then some of this wouldn't matter. It would be kind of cool to have ?? levels like on WoW, where the levels don't show up if you are 10 or more levels under it (something like that). FloppyJoe 15:10, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

Having lower-challenge creatures surrender items seems to open the door for a sort-of farming, if players can identify reliable sources of these low-challenge mobs. Otherwise, I like the suggestion. It would include plot and thematic elements even in regular PvE play, which would make even slogging through instances to an outpost more exciting than balling-and-bombing. We can cross out fingers. 06:29, 2 March 2010 (UTC)
I Agree that Having to wade through some questions, riddles etc, would get tedious after a while. I like the rating Idea for monsters, but I don't see the point for having the same thing for players are you saying that In pvp with someone with lower rating I can demand items? funny but no. Roflmaomgz 13:40, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
The challenge rating as I imagined it influences only AI. Players would not perceive eachother's challenge ratings and if they could, you might choose to beg for your life (no one will stop you) but the choice of whether to fight or run is entirely up to you. This system was supposed to imitate player choices, since you, for instance, probably would not challenge a player fifty levels above you if you didn't have to, it would be nice of several enemies displayed the same kind of intelligence (lvl2 devourers running away from lvl30 players).--Shai Halud 18:13, 19 March 2010 (UTC)