Feedback talk:User/Stigtrix/Chose how to carry your weapon(s)

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I like this idea. I had thought about that too before and it's a discussion in forums since the demos where players saw the major flaw of not seeing the arrows on the back and not seeing the "other weapons" that a character might have. I think, IMO, that it's a matter of how good you are at seeing your friends (in PVE and PVP) or enemies (in PVP) and how good you are making your tactics, choices and movement when you see what they have in their "sleeves".

Example: In PVP - if i'm a warrior with more close range weapons as my second choice, and saw another warrior with a bow or a pistol as his second choice of weapons (without him using them), this little detail might prevent me from dieing since I know is better for me to go in a more close range to fight him since I got more chance to win. And if he's good enough to see my weapons too, than he has to be in longer range because he has a great advantage that way.

In PVE - I don't need to ask what second choice weapons the people around me have, if I see their weapons and I need his help with that weapon I just need to ask once for him to use it. Sometimes asking what others have ends in someone dieing while typing in chat or no answers at all because no one wants to be vulnerable to the mobs. --Morcotulcon 03:17, 27 January 2011 (UTC)