Feedback talk:User/Tennessee Ernie Ford/Clarify importance of world choice

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Unprofessionalism at it's finest.[edit]

I found this to be the first in a long line of face palmingly poorly thought out and executed elements a new player experiences coming to this game.

There are no RP realms, no PVP or PVE focused realms. PVE/PVP seem to merge well in this game, however there should most definitely be a RP realm element with naming policy guidelines, etc, so RPers can centralize (and there's tens of thousands of them out there playing) and enjoy a more immersive experience without interference from characters named after pokemon and guild names embarrassingly refering to the size of Norn penises, etc.

We're given no incentive to choose one realm over another and merely pick the highest population we can find so we can get into a realm with a developed economy and stocked AH, one would assume. But that only works in theory and not in practice.

Thus, I definitely support this players suggestion. Bashprompt 11:53, 4 September 2012 (UTC)