Feedback talk:User/Tennessee Ernie Ford/Quixotic Visions

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I personally like this idea for a skill. :) It would have to be something very very short timewise, otherwise it (hypothetically speaking) could knock a healer/support out of the battle for long enough for a spike to take out 2-3 targets, depending on the skill. But it would be quite interesting to see executed properly, even if it were only attack skills and not affecting heals or support. Crane Song 14:09, 24 August 2010 (UTC)

Thank you.  — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 14:26, 24 August 2010 (UTC)
I love this based purely on how unique it is. Ifm2181 01:25, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. I prefer the idea of skills that do the wrong thing as oppose to pure failure. Empathy and Backfire are fun b/c they punish the foe directly; I'd like to see more things that punish their allies instead.  — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 01:59, 2 November 2010 (UTC)