Feedback talk:User/Tomoko/Morphing Skins Problems

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Might as well just have a skin unlocking library kind of similar to the dye system. Skins presets could be very difficult to obtain (and not account-wide) and maybe cost a lot of money (GW1 equivalent of about 25-100k) to program in, and then that character can just select a skin to display when wielding a certain type of weapon. There could be a magical illusion projector to maintain the skin; and maybe once a skin is unlocked, you need to pay a little bit to keep it monthly, to help the economy, and maintain prestige. Oh, and I made a few minor spelling corrections. Kormon Balser 22:18, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

gw2:Transmutation Stone Aqua (T|C) 23:59, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

Why not implement a costume system for old weapons like they have with costumes in gw1. an old weapon with a nice skin in a costume slot while your stat weapon constantly switches out as you find new stuff? same goes with armor.

--Obsidiancat31 06:38, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

I think Anet is going for a more "realistic" type of explanation of why we can upgrade gear and maintain a look. Having slots is simple, but not realistic. But using stones to take equipment and upgrade what we are wearing makes sense in a magical lore sorta way. Wazwolf 23:51, 3 September 2011 (UTC)
Yes I agree, but this should work without being frustrated to change this every single time when you get an upgrade. Maybe having the stone unlimited use? Tomoko 20:37, 4 September 2011 (UTC)

As far as i understand, weapons won't have levels or damage, it's the skills that cause damage. so transmutation stones will be for armour only --Ajna 14:46, 25 November 2011 (UTC)