Feedback talk:User/Ultrametroid/Large Boss Combat Suggestion

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Your suggestion is really hard to implement. That requires extra programming and animations. On the other hand, I really, really like it. Not only does it make sense (assuming characters are capable of climbing up a rapidly moving and shaking giant boss), it's awesome and exciting to behold and may even make viewing boss combat clearer (as you said, the giant toe phenomenon). Perhaps ANet can find a way to implement it on some of the game's bosses. --Messenger 05:13, 24 December 2011 (UTC)

Yeah I know it would be difficult but Anet says it wants to set a whole new level of MMO gaming and personally I think its one thing that could do that. I dont mean every giant boss as you said if its one thats going to be moving rapidly and such it wouldn't work as well, but for something like a Dragon that's probably just going to sit there breathing fire at you why not hop on its back and stab it a few times in the head? --Ultrametroid 15:35, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
They could implement it similar to WoW, where the people "getting on the bosses" were just entering vehicle states but the graphics show them on the boss or whatever. GW2 has "vehicles" so I can imagine this being relatively easy to implement, the only lengthy production process would be animation. Although I think actually having "climbing" textures and using those on bosses would be more realistic and fun, but infinitely more complicated to produce. Sahana 20:43, 28 December 2011 (UTC)
I think Anet thought of that long, long time ago and as Messenger said its too hard to implement - that's why this is the second of 3 reasons(my option) they made the melee classes capable to fight at long distances(ranged,)Scourge_213 21:26, 2 March 2012 (UTC)

I'd agree that melee-engaging a static "mega boss" is indeed monotonous. I do like the climbing idea but how hard would it be to implement I do not know. Another option is making sure that there is enough going on around the boss, that there's actually something to do besides hitting the boss i.e. engaging an extension of the mega boss (tentacles etc.) or his minions and so on.

I'd raise a related matter while I'm at it. Static bosses vs. dynamic bosses. We know the "mega bosses" such as Tequatl and the Shatterer are meant to create the experience of an epic castle siege with the boss as the main objective. From a design perspective and in terms of WvW the boss is the keep and keep lord rolled into one entity. While I understand this approach, I'd stress the importance of having more dynamic boss fights i.e. dynamic bosses. This could be lesser bosses, such as the giant boar we have seen previously. Also, when we fought the giant troll we had to remain on our toes and be mobile, else he'd one-hit KO us.

Regards, Luka 19:46, 9 May 2012