Feedback talk:User/ZenonSeth/Monk Profession Suggestion

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Light armour melee profession[edit]

No thanks.

Dear Nameless Objector, is this your only objection? Would switching to medium armor make this more acceptable to you? This isn't a set-in-stone suggestion, designing a new class isn't easy, and some good input would help greatly. I also wonder if you have some other objections since you seem so adamant to reject this without further comments. Sincerely ZenonSeth 23:44, 27 July 2012 (UTC)

Overall, I like the suggestion. I think it needs to be renamed, though, on account of the strong historical connotation within MMMORPGs of monks being equated with healers; Ascetic, perhaps. After ArenaNet went through all the trouble to eliminate the Trinity and the dedicated healing class, I don't think it would go over too well to introduce a new class named "Monk".

Added additional name suggestions there, including Ascetic. I think you're probably right - a Monk may be interpreted by some as being dedicated healer, and that's not what I was going for here ZenonSeth 14:53, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

I like the idea of the profession-specific mechanic switching combat styles. Perhaps they could be renamed to something a little less generic and more specific to the focus of the style. As an example, the "Quick Combat Style" could be renamed "Serpent Style".

Yep, some more thematic names would be good. Added yours + some others to the list. ZenonSeth 14:53, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

Some of the skill sets seem a bit repetitive for the Hand Wrappings weapon; the F1 #1 and #4 skills, for example. Otherwise, it's a good starting point. Perhaps swap out one of the skills in the F1 set (#4 maybe) with a Foot Sweep that causes Knock Down. Then, in the F2 set, have skill #2 cause a Launch or Knock Back rather than a Knock Down.

I tried to modify the Hand Wrappings F1 a bit to increase diversity.ZenonSeth 14:53, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

For set F2, skill #1 could change to inflict Vulnerability on a target rather than ignore armor. With the exception of skill #5 in this set, this set appears to be more about inflicting conditions rather than focusing on damage as per it's description. Perhaps an F4 set could be added so now there is a condition-based set and a damage-based set.

Same here, Added some modifications to the skill list.ZenonSeth 14:53, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

In the damage-based set, chaining skills together would add increasing base-damage multipliers or increasing critical-hit chance. If a chain is interrupted or a skill is used out of sequence, the modifier is negated and the chain must be restarted from the beginning. On successful completion of a chain, perhaps there would be some condition inflicted or a final automatic finishing move - not tied to a skill activation - that does massive damage or AoE damage.

This chaining of skills could even be applied across all of the sets, with effects which coincide with the focus of that set being the finishing moves. The damage set will have finishers that critical, AoE, or add an extra burst of damage, for example, while the condition set adds an extra condition with each finisher. The chains could work similar to the current GW1 Assassin skills in which there's an opener, a middle move, and a finishing move. Skills #1, #3, and #5 would give one type of finisher while skills #2, #4, and #1 would result in a different finisher, etc. You get the idea.

For the above two paragraphs: I'm not quite sure if I can work this in right. I'm also under the impression that the Thief is kind of the assassin. The theme for this 'monk' wasn't really to try to take from other existing classes. I'm not saying that a chaining couldn't work, but I'm not sure I could pull it off right.ZenonSeth 14:53, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

Somehow I'd like to see a "Mysticism" Combat Style worked in here. A set which permits teleportation, doubled leaping/jumping distance, increased resistance to damage for a short time, the ability to break stun and daze, etc.

Yes, this might be an interesting addition. I'd have to think about this for a while, since it requires a whole new set of skills for each weapon type, but I do admit it might be interesting.ZenonSeth 14:53, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

This would be a great profession to introduce in an expansion when the campaign moves to Cantha. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 01:39, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

That's kinda the target for my suggestion. I think the starting 8 professions are enough for the initial game. Thanks! ZenonSeth 14:53, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

I strongly oppose this suggestion; Guild Wars 2 is already copying enough from WoW, stealing a class would be idiotic. Besides, if they can't get fucking auction house basics up, you really think they're in a position to be adding new classes to the game? Hell no. Bashprompt 11:31, 4 September 2012 (UTC)

I'm not addressing your opinion that GW2 is copying other stuff from WoW - however, the Monk was a profession in GW1 where besides healing, he had fairly good offensive capabilities through some magic. Regardless, the name 'Monk' doesn't need to be used as there are some alternative names. And as for that last statement about the auction house, it sounds like you need to be posting your objections elsewhere, not on the talk page of my profession suggestion. Nonetheless thanks for the input! ZenonSeth 14:58, 14 September 2012 (UTC)