Game updates/20081212
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Update - Friday, December 12, 2008[edit]
Skill Updates[edit]
Power Leech: Energy cost reduced to 5.
Aura of the Lich: Energy cost increased to 15.
Bug Fixes[edit]
- Fixed a bug that caused "It's just a flesh wound." to apply even if no conditions were removed.
- Fixed a bug that caused Cultist's Fervor to work with non-Necromancer spells.
- Fixed a bug that stopped Lingering Curse from changing the Health bar to pink.
- Fixed a bug that stopped Mark of Insecurity from changing the Health bar to pink.
- Fixed a bug that stopped Weaken Knees from changing the Health bar to pink.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Ritualist spirit Bloodsong to deal an extra hit when affected by Signet of Ghostly Might.
- Increased faction gain per kill in Amatz Basin to 5.