Guild talk:The Night Talons
Welcome to the Discussion Page
Post comments, questions, or requests here and we will respond here or contact you in game as soon as possible. Don't forget to sign, and/or leave your In-game Contact info.
Knightwind 02:01, 13 March 2009 (UTC)
- Just a reminder, the guild wiki page is not to be used as a guild notice board, forum, or discussion board, or for recruiting, as per our Guild page policy. Thanks! --
Wyn 02:07, 13 March 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks Wyn I adjusted the pages accordingly, I'm rather new at this, so I appreciate any help you may offer. ^^ Knightwind 04:48, 13 March 2009 (UTC)
Extended Absence Notification
All you need to do is Notify an officer in-game of the fact that you will be away for longer than 3 weeks, approximate time you will be away from game (Notification of when you plan to return if you know), some basic description of the reason for the extended absence would be nice, but not necessary; and Thanks in advanced Knightwind 04:37, 13 March 2009 (UTC)
hey JD i was wondering if u could help me with my page like with putting my guys names on and there pics and info if u could help that would be great and tysmColon 00:13, 13 April 2009 (UTC)
I was inspired by your page! I would like to ask some questions to help develop mine? Would you be available to answer them?
1. the space for guild hall how did u create that?
2 How do you do different spacing and fonts?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this!
Hello, (as a courtesy, you should sign all inquiries or comments you leave on a page.)
I appreciate your compliments, sorry for the delay in my response.
If you look at the edit tab of my page you will see the guild tab entry, this can be copied through the standard "copy/clip" operation of windows and added to your page in the same tab. All entries are editable. For the most part, I have fumbled through the design of my page in this similar manner, by doing a search for user pages and seeing what I liked. If you do this, give the author the credit in an acknowledgement entry, and make sure you do not actually edit their page in the process.
in my acknowledgement page there are some user links. These users are very knowledgeable, and helpful.--Knightwind 12:01, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
A list of helpful members:
Elite skills Cheat Sheet
heya buddy my notepad with your email has misteriously vanished into the ether...darm laptop gremlins! But ive got it ready to go to u this afternoon after work.Siadina 13:01, 10 November 2009 (UTC)