Talk:Cyclone Axe
E management with Warriors endurance?[edit]
Ok warrior's endurance IS an energy management skill by its self...saying cyclone axe + warriors endurance is decent energy management is just very obvious beyond needing to put in text. The zealous mod part is probably ok but again whenever u hit multiple foes thats very clear. I guess since it is a spammable attack for a class with only 2pip e regen its an alright comment. removing warriors endurance thing--Justice 20:29, 11 March 2008 (UTC)
I disagree, not everyone knows about what warrior's endurance does or even what it is. The note is useful and should be left in. Just because some people know about it doesn't mean everyone does. 06:24, 5 January 2010 (UTC)
- So that description of warriors endurance is just a bunch of words that make the page pretty?-- 07:20, 5 January 2010 (UTC)
Does this skill stack with "I Am The Strongest!"? If so, does it count as one strike or multiple? quazarjim
Each hit from the cyclone axe counts as an individual attack from "I am the strongest". 13:27, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
Does each hit supply a it's own strike of adrenalien? Or is it one strike?
- each hit which connects is one strike, just like all multi-hitting attacks. --Ckal Ktak
18:45, 28 September 2009 (UTC)
Odd, or not?[edit]
Found that Empathy and Spiteful Spirit will trigger only once, even if you hit multiple foes using Cyclone Axe. Insidious Parasite will trigger for each foe hit with Cyclone Axe. When using Triple Chop however, the skills (Empathy, Spiteful Spirit, and Insidious Parasite) all trigger once for each foe you strike. Bug? Gaudy Gourd God 11:53, 1 September 2012 (UTC)
- I'd say the main difference between Cyclone Axe and Triple Chop and how those hexes react to it is that Cyclone Axe attack all foes adjacent to You while Triple Chop attacks all foes adjacent to your foe. Cyclone Axe only performs one single attack that does not target a foe and is counted as a single attack so Empathy triggers only once and Spiteful Spirit trigger twice (attack skills trigger it twice because the skill activation and the attack it performs are counted seperatly). Triple Chop however targets multiple foes and each hit is counted as a seperate attack so Empathy and Spiteful Spirit trigger more than once, and their difference with Insidious Parasite is that it triggers on each foe you hit and both attack skills hit multiple foes. Well i hope this clears things up for you. Da Mystic Reaper 13:26, 10 November 2012 (UTC)