Talk:Fendi Nin (Zaishen quest)
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Is it enough to kill Fendi Nin once, or do you have to actually destroy his soul and finish the dungeon? -Meagen 19:10, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
- Not sure, didn't the ooze one update after one ooze if you needed the normal mode part? I assume you just aswell do it if you've put in all that effort to get to him. --Smithy-Star
22:41, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
You need to kill the soul (complete dungeon)
Solo with Heros and Henches[edit]
Be sure to take at least 1 Powerstone with you. Good Luck.(Jaxx Hammer)-- 01:13, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
This should reward more coins[edit]
Considering what a massive bitch Fendi Nin is on hard mode (let alone the entire dungeon) this quest should reward more coins. The problem though is every zaishen quest has like 3 possible reward tiers associated with it and bumping this up another tier would mean getting the same reward for killing Duncan, so it's not likely to change, which is annoying. 08:07, 23 May 2011 (UTC)
- Also they are aware that alot of people are going to run it on SoOSc with their Sin chars. (Usaf1a8xx 18:38, 27 July 2011 (UTC))