Talk:Luxon Longbow
In the notes it says their purpose is to slow down amber runners, but in order to run amber these guys are dead. Playing both sides I've noticed these guys are really easy to kill with melee, well, anything really, where the kurzick cleansers take a bit more work. I would think that these guys being rangers and all, should have some kind of blocking stance at least. The way I see it is the longbows are in both FA and JQ, where the kurzicks have different NPCs for each. In fact the Kurz Far Shots are replica's of the Longbows, so why not have identical NPCs in FA? If anything the note is inaccurate, as they really never snare amber runners. Grikitis 23:43, 25 March 2009 (UTC)
They can use Pin Down before they die, crippling the amber runners...Bive (talk · contributions)
Never really caused me too much of a problem, and most teams tend to go en masse the first time, so maybe one or two get crippled, but the rest are unaffected. And like you said, they then die. Subsequent amber runners have no issues with snares. Honestly running amber in FA doesn't require all that much skill. Grikitis 22:38, 26 March 2009 (UTC)
take quite a bit of skill actually, cause most the time amber runner will have to capped the mine by themselfs, then run it pass the mobs which are usually between inner and outer orange/purple(4 luxon warrior with fully charged "cowards" makes this very hard), the cripple doesn't do much accept increase the amount of time you have to give that amber to the gatekeepers, and usually ends by time you get to the main mob,-- 17:15, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
- Yeah, Pin Down is annoying. I'm always left crippled when I solo the shrine on my warrior or assassin, just because they die so quickly. It really is somewhat inconvenient, and every second counts in amber running. -~=Ϛρѧякγ
(τѧιк) 20:04, 23 June 2010 (UTC)
Low health[edit]
It seem these guys don't have that much health, like one full chaos storm and one wastrel's worry at rank 14 domination (335 damage) is enough to kill them off.--BobbyT 22:45, 9 July 2010 (UTC)