Talk:Unnatural Signet (Saul D'Alessio)

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Unnatural Signet[edit]

So what does this skill has different from Unnatural Signet that requires it's own page? --MageUser MageMontu sig.pngMontu 08:36, 27 September 2009 (UTC)

Nothing that I can see. Also note that the Saul D'Alessio doesn't even point here. It goes to the regular Unnatural Signet page... MA Anathe 13:55, 27 September 2009 (UTC)
It is, technically speaking, a different skill, because some localizations have different names for it. --Santax (talk · contribs) 16:49, 3 January 2010 (UTC)

Is it just me or...[edit]

does this skill not work? Tried it out the other day in the BMP on both minions and spirits - I can't be sure whether the extra damage happened because of all the numbers flying everywhere, but it did not recharge instantly. Nobody else has mentioned it so either: this is new and something happened when they updated this skill for the rest of the game (and, on that topic, why was this bad skill kept unupdated on Saul's bar when the crappier version of Mantra of Inscriptions was added?) or I'm baaaad. Really really bad. 19:22, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

Checked it myself - doesn't work. -- 12:43, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

Incorrect Description[edit]

Even if the description has not been changed, the May 21st update (Feedback:Game_updates/20100521) has changed the effect of this signet, it may act like the Unnatural Signet --Max ime 15:14, 26 June 2010 (UTC)

It doesn't work like that. Should the table be removed since it makes no sense now? Also it doesnt do 15...63...75 damage, always 47. Waar Kijk Je Naar 20:10, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
Further fixed, and removed table | 72 User 72 Truly Random.jpg | 22:02, 14 October 2010 (UTC)