Template:Rank min

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{{rank|title track|points}}
gives the rank that corresponds to points points in title track.
{{rank|points=min|title track|points}}
gives the start of the current rank
{{rank|points=max|title track|points}}
gives the end of the current rank

title track can be one of Asura, Cantha Skill Hunter, Canthan Elite Skill Hunter, Canthan Vanquisher, Cartographer, Champion, Codex, Commander, Defender, Defender of Ascalon, Deldrimor, Drunkard, Ebon Vanguard, Elona Skill Hunter, Elonian Elite Skill Hunter, Elonian Vanquisher, Gamer, Gladiator, Guardian of Cantha, Guardian of Elona, Guardian of Tyria, Hero, Kind Of A Big Deal, Kurzick, Luxon, Legendary Cartographer, Legendary Guardian, Legendary Skill Hunter, Legendary Vanquisher Lightbringer, Lucky, Master of the North, Norn, Party Animal, Protector of Cantha, Protector of Elona, Protector of Tyria, Sunspear, Survivor, Sweet Tooth, Titles, Treasure Hunter, Tyria Skill Hunter, Tyrian Elite Skill Hunter, Tyrian Vanquisher, Unlucky, Vanguard, Wisdom, Zaishen.


1234567 Faction are rank {{rank|Kurzick|1234567}}; 
that level goes from {{rank|points=min|Kurzick|1234567}} 
to {{rank|points=max|Kurzick|1234567}}.
This would be 
{{progress %

1234567 Faction are rank 6; that level goes from 1200000 to 1850000. Progress is 5.3%.

Helper Template Usage[edit]

  • Template:rank rank computes the rank of a given title track from the current stat and the rank minimums given; limited to a maximum of 15 ranks.
  • Template:rank min computes the point value of the start of the current rank interval
  • Template:rank max computes the point value of the start of the next rank interval; if the points are past the title track maximum, the maximum is given.


current title rank[edit]

Example for computing an allegiance rank of 1,234,567 faction:

{{rank rank|1234567

gives 6 .

  • 0 faction: rank 0
  • 1200000 faction: rank 6
  • 12000000 faction: rank 12

rank interval[edit]

The current rank interval can be easily found with the two helper templates:

{{rank min|1234567|100000|250000|400000|550000|875000|1200000|1850000|2500000|3750000|5000000|7500000|10000000}}
<= 1234567 < 
{{rank max|1234567|100000|250000|400000|550000|875000|1200000|1850000|2500000|3750000|5000000|7500000|10000000}}

1200000 <= 1234567 < 1850000

  • 0 <= 0 < 100000
  • 1200000 <= 1200000 < 1850000
  • 10000000 <= 12000000 < 10000000 (past the maximum!)

other uses[edit]

Template:rank can be used to access other data, like this:

{{#explode:''(no title earned)''
#Kurzick Supporter
#Friend of the Kurzicks
#Companion of the Kurzicks
#Ally of the Kurzicks
#Sentinel of the Kurzicks
#Steward of the Kurzicks
#Defender of the Kurzicks
#Warden of the Kurzicks
#Bastion of the Kurzicks
#Champion of the Kurzicks
#Hero of the Kurzicks
#Savior of the Kurzicks
|0=''(no title earned)''
|1=Kurzick Supporter
|2=Friend of the Kurzicks
|3=Companion of the Kurzicks
|4=Ally of the Kurzicks
|5=Sentinel of the Kurzicks
|6=Steward of the Kurzicks
|7=Defender of the Kurzicks
|8=Warden of the Kurzicks
|9=Bastion of the Kurzicks
|10=Champion of the Kurzicks
|11=Hero of the Kurzicks
|12=Savior of the Kurzicks

gives Steward of the Kurzicks / Steward of the Kurzicks