User:Aurora Summers
Allo~! • I'm a pretty casual Guild Wars player, but I'm trying to get more into it. •I've had the game since factions first came out (factions was the first one I had, followed by Nightfall and EotN and THEN prophecies) •I currently can be seen mostly on my Warrior, Dervish or Assassin. •All of my characters are female, and I am too. •I'm 17 and my birthday is in November 13, 1992. •My hobbies include Art, Video games, and Motocycle riding. :D •I listen to and love Classic Rock. Outside of that there's some indie, some "stoner" rock (I don't really like the name of that genre since I am not a stoner, but that's what it's commonly refered to) and some metal when I'm feeling up to it. •My favorite bands include Clutch, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, and Aerosmith. •I draw mostly on the computer and specialize in humans. You can see my work here and message me there or in game if you're interested in a commission. :D •I plan to go to college for Game art (or Animation/illustration) and become a concept artist. My biggest inspiration was of course the amazing concept art from Guild wars. •I'm a proud owner of 'The art of Guild Wars 2'
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