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This is my script for generating the totals section for the Gift of the Traveler/Drop rate page:

import time

infile = open("sampledata.txt","r")

totals = {}

valid_tokens = ( "aged ale", "ale keg", "ale", "poppers", "rockets",
                 "sparklers", "fireworks", "disco balls", "honey jar",
                 "honeycombs", "green rock", "blue rock", "red rock",
                 "mysterious stone", "mercantile stone", "mysterious tonic",
                 "cottontail tonic", "walking stick", "yakkington",
                 "vds", "vampiric dragon sword", "gwen", "gwen doll",
                 "moss spider", "moss", "ids", "icy dragon sword",
                 "razor", "ascalon razor", "bo staff",
                 "brown rabbit", "rabbit", "everlasting fireworks",
                 "everlasting cottontail" )

for token in valid_tokens:
    totals[token] = 0

grand_total = 0

for line in infile.readlines():
    line = line.replace( '\n', '' )
    line = line.replace( '{', '' )
    line = line.replace( '}', '' )
    items = line.split( "|" )

    if items[0] == "":

    items = items[1:]

    for item in items:
        if item.find( "=" ) == -1:

        if item.find( "[" ) != -1 or item.find( "]" ) != -1:

        parts = item.split( "=" )

        if len(parts) != 2:

        name, value = parts

        name = name.strip()
        value = value.strip()

        if not name in valid_tokens:
        count = 0
        for digit in value:
            if not digit.isdigit():
            count += 1
        if count == 0:

        value = int( value[0:count] )
        totals[name] += value
        grand_total += value

print "<!-- Totals start here... -->"
print "|-"

totals_string = "| %d |"%(grand_total)
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["ale"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["aged ale"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["ale keg"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["poppers"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["rockets"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["sparklers"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["fireworks"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["disco balls"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["honey jar"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["honeycombs"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["green rock"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["blue rock"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["red rock"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["mysterious stone"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["mercantile stone"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["mysterious tonic"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["cottontail tonic"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["everlasting cottontail"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["gwen"] + totals["gwen doll"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["yakkington"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["brown rabbit"] + totals["rabbit"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["vampiric dragon sword"] + totals["vds"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["bo staff"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["walking stick"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["icy dragon sword"] + totals["ids"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["razor"] + totals["ascalon razor"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["moss spider"] + totals["moss"])
totals_string += "| %d |"%(totals["everlasting fireworks"])
print totals_string+"| ~~~"

print "|-"

totals_string = "| 100% |"
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["ale"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["aged ale"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["ale keg"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["poppers"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["rockets"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["sparklers"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["fireworks"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["disco balls"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["honey jar"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["honeycombs"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["green rock"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["blue rock"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["red rock"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["mysterious stone"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["mercantile stone"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["mysterious tonic"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["cottontail tonic"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["everlasting cottontail"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["gwen"] + totals["gwen doll"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["yakkington"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["brown rabbit"] + totals["rabbit"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["vampiric dragon sword"] + totals["vds"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["bo staff"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["walking stick"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["icy dragon sword"] + totals["ids"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["razor"] + totals["ascalon razor"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["moss spider"] + totals["moss"])*100/grand_total)
totals_string += "| %.3f%% |"%(float(totals["everlasting fireworks"])*100/grand_total)
print totals_string + "| ~~~~~"

timestamp = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%S" )
print "<!-- END of Totals. Autogenerated at %s by Cynique's GotT Totals Generator. Copyright 2011 Cynique. -->" % timestamp