User:Firoas/Daiyu The Seeress

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User firoas daiyu the seeress.png


Daiyu is a mysterious and powerful immortal, who lives within the Desolation in Elona. Her ritualist profession and appearence suggest roots in Cantha. Her power lies within her ability to tell the future, chanelling the spirits of her victims from further in time, to project horrible images of a bleak future. She uses a projected image of her opponents ghost to cause a painful and torturous death. Daiyu's past is mostly unknown. She forsaw images of Abbadon's return nearly a century before the events of Nightfall. This may have been the time she moved to the Desolation, either to prevent the return of Abbadon or to assist him. Her motives are shadowy, and maintains a vow of secrecy.


Your death be swift, for the mists shalt wait no longer.
You were. You were not. I care not.
I merely take you to the Envoys. They will decide your destination.
An eternity of pain awaits you. Enjoy your last few breaths.
I forsaw your death. It was more violent than what I will do to you now.
I must be prepared for when He arrives.
Tyria will fall. However I can merely witness as this happens.


User firoas daiyu the seeress artwork.png