User:Halogod35/Contest/Create a Class/Adrin

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Led by an ever-flowing aura of dominance and logic, the GWWikkior not only destroys bad trolls, but also gains fanbois from each pwn.

— in-game description


Logic (Primary)[edit]

For every three points in Logic, you gain one additional adjective to describe what is actually wrong with Guild Wars.


For each rank in Adrinaline, you gain 5% less in-game chat surveillence by arenanet support.


For each rank in Auronity, you gain 100% additional game experience vs target troll.


For each rank Shardism, you gain 1 year additional game development and balance experience over Arenanet.


Weapon of Lena No Effort EnergyTime it takes to type with toes Activation timeUntil your next sock Recharge time Weapon Spell. Create a random sock account pretending to be a friend, family member, or girlfriend. Your Logic is disabled when using this skill. (Attribute: Boredom)

Banhammer Text search EnergyUntil support finds a curse to a friend in whisper chat Activation time335 hours Recharge time Hex Spell. While under the effects of Banhammer, your Logic is doubled due to the braincells growing back from not playing Guildwars. Your Adrinaline rank is set to 12. (Attribute:Adrinaline).

Wall O' Text 5,000 characters EnergyAround 5 mins Activation timeUntil the noob replies Recharge time Personal Attack Spell. Create a formatted and spellchecked wall of text on your talk page. Target troll suffers two tears per point in Auronity. (Attribute: Auronity)

Nice Joke 0 effort Energy2 days Activation timeUntil you finish your hotpockets Recharge time Shout. Create a persistant auction house. Every working line of code deals 2x damage to what would have been Xunlai Market.(Attribute: Shardism)

Cool story bro Patience reading fail thread EnergyHold on, I'm pwning this guy Activation timeUntil target requests user deletion Recharge time Personal Attack Spell. Target foe is disabled from posting a reply. This skill is usually followed by Wall O' Text. (Attribute:Auronity)

"Why didn't I do this before?" Add/Remove Programs Energy15 seconds remaining Activation timeUntil the game is balanced Recharge time Shout. Uninstall Guild Wars. You gain 3.8 GB hard drive space for more pr0n more useful data. (Attribute: Logic}

Hotpockets Freezer Energy2:30 on high Activation timeAfter it cools Recharge time Enchantment Snack. Your Shardism skills are increased by 50% while under the effects of ham and cheese. (Attribute: Frozen Food Isle)

Unnecessary Contribution 42 Energy42 Activation time42 Recharge time Wiki Ritual. Create a level -1...4...5 template. This template makes you feel like you're contributing. You are unable to become a bureaucrat while this template is alive. (Attribute: Fail)

Animate Drama Llama w Energyy Activation timen Recharge time Sysop Ritual. Target sysop is hexed with drama. When target is banned, a level 9001 Drama Llama is created. All other users in the area are disabled from useful contributions while this Llama is alive. (Attribute: Pling Mastery)