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User Kelli8421 logo.png
Time Anole Has Been Around
Guilt This user has spent 10869 hours in Guild Wars in 53 months (6.7 h/day).

User Ocravia Poison.png The user has 10,345 deaths on his main character.
I have not power Lvl'd anything!

About Anolie

Well lets Start off on how to pronounce this Name. Ann-O-lee.

Where did it Come From? Well i was Trying To Think of a name and When I was browsing my Books and Pull a Romance Novel Out. It was One about A Scottish Family with the last name Anolie. And i thought i was a beautiful Name And Gave it to My elementalist.

Basic Information

Anolie Was born on September 15 2005. She was the very First Char I Ever Made. She is also the Oldest Character.

And She is A Very Spoiled Ele. She was trained by Cynn her self back in the days. Until she grew old enough and Cynn cast her out due to the fact Menhlo. She did survive the Searing only to discover she was to travel and set the world back in rights again.
She Traveled all over the land Of Tyria and when her Journey had ended. Cynn called upon her once again and asked her to Travel to Cantha with Menhlo to Help figure out why People were turning in to Monsters. There she met many new people and Made some New Friends. When she was forced to chose Which side of the faction to be on. She decided to hear each side of the story and figure out which side she wanted to fight for. It was very hard at first. She stayed with the Luxons for a good 2 years. Once she could do no more over there. She decided to travel to House Zu Heltzer. And Once she got there she proposed a peace offering between the factions and explained they needed to work together to Being down Monster that the one and Only Shiro had created. There some what peaceful alliance fulfilled what she had hoped and they were able to defeat Shiro as one nation.
Anolie Decided she needed a vacation. So Cynn told her about a ship that was leaving for a Little island Called Istan. It was supposed to be tropical with lots of beaches and friendly Natives. What no one told her about was the Pirates, or the Undead, OR the fact the Sunspears and Leader of Korna where in a battle." That Evil witch knew this was going to happen" thought Anolie.
So Kormir asked Anolie to help get rid of the Influence of Abbadon and Veresh. Decided to spite Cynn she decided to help. So she got some new Friends Koss, Melonni, Talkhora, Dunkoro. They traveled and It seems everywhere She went she gained more allies. She even met the Princes of Vabbi. (rich scardy cats.) Then made it the Relem of Torment. "I could see why my mum told me scary stories of this place when I was younger" thought Anolie. She was going thru the Realm and found Two past enemies she helped dispose of. She stated.. "Oh the God Help me, Shiro and the Lich I thought I had disposed of you." Shiro said "Oh you little Girl I am Shiro you can not be rid of me." the Lich just laughed. This irritated Anolie show She and Her New friend decided the time was now. And officially disposed of these Vile Creatures. And Kormir (the blind leading the blind) lead us to Abbadon's Gate. Where Anolie and Her allies Fought the Dreadful Abbadon and Sent is god like ass back to the Netherlands!!

Recent News

After Her long Journeys, She was taking it easy, and standing in Kamadan with a few of her guildies. And Thru the Spammer and the WTS WTB shouts. She met a Fasinating Person By the Name of Tidus Midknight. He was a Firece Warrior. After she spoke to him, He told her of a Journey to the North. He was going to there to Investigate a rumor of Humans and Races we have never seen. Anolie Decided to go and Experience this wonderment.

After a about 6 months of Traveling together. It was decided By the Priest of the Group, That Anolie and Tidus were in Love. And He held a Ceremony in Yakk's bend On September 15, 2009. The Sassy Elementalist Anolie Almond and the Fierce Warrior Tidus Midknight were married Among Many Friends.

The VowsThe coupleGroup

Anolie Midknight, will still fight Evil and Help where she can in this world.