User:Kyou/GW2 beta notes

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general / uncategorized notes[edit]

5 character slots

Home World: similar to City of Heroes servers (I chose Scavenger’s Causeway) • named “server” to stay on • * cost 1,800 gems to transfer (vs. 500 gems for costumes, etc.) • * can “guest” with friends WITHOUT moving home server (but can’t WvW with them) • Free 2,000 gems in beta, so can transfer later

Game a little slow on my system (choppy graphics, only 32 bit, no 64)

Controls like old game Ctrl highlights enemies Alt highlights friendly

Has auto run, but does NOT seem to have auto follow (makes movement a bit hard)

Shows a bar for each weapon skill showing unlock progress Using skills begins unlock progress for next (ONE AT A TIME) Unlocks are for weapon type, not that exact weapon (universal unlock)

Can toggle skill timers to show recharges

Death penalty same as before – less hp

Includes ingame email and friends list

Number for skill activation changes color depending on if target is in range of spell or not (VERY COOL!)

Jumping is NOT the Halo jump (is very quick, and very limited) Is pretty damn close to “reasonable”, not “heroic”

No WvW yet, so only newbie lvl1 toons NO WEAPON TESTING – so far stuck with what they give you until earn it

Ctrl key to chatlink anything

Have to pay to map travel (but is pretty cheap)

Auction house (like CoH) to buy and sell items without needing to meet up with person Can also place order for desired item

Search field in the inventory

Can send cash and items through email, but not directly to self Use BANK in major towns for account transfer of items Seems to be free to deposit / withdraw 30 item slots (unknown cash limit) Crafting materials AND MINIPETS have own pages

Dyes MIGHT cost cash to unlock BUT: once you have the colors, redying at will is free, and any time out of combat

Can reorganize bags (starter backpack is JUST LIKE any other bag apparently) Can drag and drop bags without loosing contents

Passive HP regain out of combat (very quick)

Have stats (str, con, etc) in hero panel, but NO point on levelup (assume is auto assign points and bonus from Traits @ lvl 11)

Is NO small mission map (former “U”), but the world map (still “M”) is more detailed Combines the waypoints of U with the fullscreen on M

Armor of items adds to a GLOBAL amount, not localized for piece Seems like ALL stats of equipment is universal bonus

Falling damage IS FATAL!!!!! Um… be careful not to fall off the balcony XD

Auto-sidekick for even / area either does not work, or is VERY imprecise (the 1-15 lvl range displayed on map) Sub-area apparently DO have level ranges (current level highlighted in red)

Armor repair seems to be 2x as expensive as waypoints


% towards unlock seems to be based off exp gained on kill

Starter armor looks the same across all races (same STYLE, but looks a little different due to racial sizes / body posture / etc)


Graphics are good (almost too good – my systems runs somewhat slowly)


No asura or sylvari yet Norn: very cool feel to the area Charr: for some reason was the hardest area to fight in (mosters seemed higher level) Human: easiest and simplest starting area



Beast switches between active and passive (did not see further control instantly, so can “pre configure” but only 2 modes)

Sword #2 jumps back and forward ( 8 sec) Sword #3 dodges in a circle


Symbol distance seems very small (only enough for person standing next to you

Spirit hammer seems to have short duration


Confusion plays like Spiteful Spirit necro

Condition spam staff is actually powerful damage (blind seems to work as an interupt... sortof)

For shatter skills the clones DO run up to target instead of explode on site

Using sword is NOT traditional Mesmer (is like Illusionary Weaponry)


13 init, ~ 1 init per second


Have to unlock each weapon skill for each attunement (unlocking on fire does NOT give for water)


For weapon toolkit all 5 slots are unlocked (unlike ele attunements)

“picking up” turret puts on 15 second recharge

“overcharge” gets reset if you “pickup” turret