Warrior Skills[edit]
Renewing Smash: Energy cost to high
- File:Shields Up!.jpg Shields Up!: To much armor + energy cost to high
Ranger Skills[edit]
Pin Down: Only cripple for that much energy
Quickening Zephyr: I really dislike the energy cost and the 30% more energy cost for the other skills
Monk Skills[edit]
Amity: To long recharge time + It kinda suck hard, how wants to use this one?
Pacifism: Just a awefull as Amity
Ray of Judgement: This one just need a good nerf!
Mesmer Skills[edit]
Panic: Energy cost to high
Necromancer Skills[edit]
Holiday Blues: I just dont wanna die in the Winterday Quest outside the Eye
Well of the Profane: Also to high Energy cost
Elementalist Skills[edit]
Dragon's Stomp: High energy cost + Exhausion?
Earthquake: High energy cost + Exhaustion?
Kinetic Armor: Just 8 seconds? :(
Maelstrom: High energy cost + Exhaustion?
Assassin Skills[edit]
Shadow Form: Farmers for live < originality
Ritualist Skills[edit]
Xinrea's Weapon: Kinda overpowerd
Paragon Skills[edit]
Signet of Return: Long recharge time
Dervish Skills[edit]
Avatar of Grenth: Just a crappy version of Avatar of Dwayna
Mirage Cloak: Energy cost to high for just 10 second 50% block
Common Skills[edit]
"Don't Trip!": Just 5 seconds??
Great Dwarf Weapon: I want a self target!