Warrior Skills
Skill |
Ranger Skills
Skill |
Monk Skills
Skill |
Necromancer Skills
Skill |
Mesmer Skills
Skill |
Elementalist Skills
Skill |
Assassin Skills
Skill |
Ritualist Skills
Skill |
Paragon Skills
Skill |
Dervish Skills
Skill |
- This Template was specifically designed for use with The Emmisary's skill categorization project, and has little use elsewhere. It is integrated with its child template, and as such all usage notes for both of them are included here.
{{User:Neithan Diniem/Template/Categorized Skills
| background =
| borderc =
| bordert =
| cc =
| #tborder =
| #type =
| #c# =
| #skills =
{{User:Neithan Diniem/Template/Categorized Skills/Skill
| prof =
| NoC =
| skill =
| attribute =
| c# =
User:Neithan Diniem/Template/Categorized Skills[edit]
- background
- put here the color of the overall background. Default is "#dddddd".1
- borderc
- put here the color of the overall border. Default is "#777777".1
- bordert
- put here the style for the overall border. Default is "1px solid".1
- cc
- type "yes" if you want the profession table's background to coordinate with their skill's backgrounds. typing no or leaving blank (default) will result in a light grey background.
- #tborder
- Replace # with a profession shortcut: "w, r, mo, n, me, e, a, rt, p, or d". Put here the color of the borders on the tables. Default is silver.12
- #type
- Replace # with a profession shortcut. Determines the type of bar the profession has, type either collapsible or expandable. Default is expandable.12
- #c#
- Mandatory. Replace the first # with a profession shortcut, replace the second # with the category's number: "1-20". Determines the name of the category. Leave off the categories you will not use and they will not show. Do not skip a number.2
- #skills
- Replace the # with a profession shortcut. Here you will place the skills template one after the other, each on a new line (press [enter] after you paste each template). Start on a new line.2
User:Neithan Diniem/Template/Categorized Skills/Skill[edit]
- prof
- Determines the background color of the skill row, use a profession shortcut. Default is a grey color.
- NoC
- Mandatory. Determines how many categories in the row will show. Type here the exact number of categories you are using.
- skill
- The name of the skill, determine the icon for the row and the icon's tooltip pop up. Default is
- attribute
- The attribute of the skill. For skills with no attribute, type "No Attribute". Default is N/A.1
- c#
- Replace the # with the number of the column it is in.Determines the icon displayed in each of the category columns. 0 =
, 1 =
, 2 =
, and 3 =
. Skipping a column uses the default icon for that column. Default is
1Leave these variables out of the template to use the default.
2Replacing the # is Mandatory