User:Neithan Diniem/Template/Pet Taming Progression

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Felines Tamed Tier
Melandru's Stalker No NA
Lynx No NA
Tiger No NA
White Tiger No NA
Lion No NA
Lioness No NA
Wolf No NA
Black Wolf No NA
White Wolf No NA
Hyena No NA
Rainbow Phoenix No NA
Phoenix No NA
Mountain Eagle No NA
Raven No NA
Moa Bird No NA
Black Moa No NA
White Moa No NA
White Jingle Moa No NA
Crane No NA
Flamingo No NA
Black Bear No NA
Polar Bear No NA
Jingle Bear No NA
Dune Lizard No NA
Iguana No NA
Crocodile No NA
Lurker No NA
Reef Lurker No NA
White Crab No NA
Jahai Rat No NA
Albino Rat No NA
Black Widow No NA
Moss Spider No NA
Warthog No NA

Usage Notes

For pets
yes - tamed
no - not tamed
default = no
For Tier
# - displays what Tier number you place here.
default = NA
see here to see what tiers are tied to what evolutions.
For Width
    1. px - sets the px width of the template.
    2. % - sets the % width of the template.
include px or % with the number.
default = 100%

variable names are: (<T=Tier>)<Creature Initial>(<creature sub-initial>)<species initials>. If you are confused with the variables, look to the preview above in edit mode and just follow the creature names, then you'll understand it better.

{{User:Neithan Diniem/Template/Pet Taming Progression
| width = 
| Fms =     | TFms =    | Fly =     | TFly = 
| Ft =      | TFt =     | Fwt =     | TFwt = 
| Fl =      | TFl =     | Fln =     | TFln = 
| Cw =      | TCw =     | Cbw =     | TCbw = 
| Cww =     | TCww =    | Ch =      | TCh = 
| Avrp =    | TAvrp =   | Avp =     | TAvp = 
| Avme =    | TAvme =   | Avr =     | TAvr = 
| Avmb =    | TAvmb =   | Avbm =    | TAvbm = 
| Avwm =    | TAvwm =   | Avjm =    | TAvjm =
| Avc =     | TAvc =    | Avf =     | TAvf = 
| Bbb =     | TBbb =    | Bpb =     | TBpb = 
| Bjb =     | TBjb = 
| Redl =    | TRedl =   | Rei =     | TRei = 
| Rec =     | TRec = 
| Cl =      | TCl =     | Crl =     | TCrl = 
| Cwc =     | TCwc = 
| Rajr =    | TRajr =   | Raar =    | TRaar = 
| Arbw =    | TArbw =   | Arms =    | TArms = 
| Ow =      | TOw = 

Possible Updates Planned.

  • No changes planned. New animals, if released, will be added.