User:Pendaran/Jade Verdemorte

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User Pendaran JadeV.jpg Ranger-icon.png Jade Verdemonte
    Level 20, Canthan
    Experience: 912k
    Created: Year 2
    • Black Bear
    • None - thieving penny has them all.
    • none yet
    Other Accomplishments:
    • If I think of something I'll put it here.

Jade is not my first ranger. My first was actually this gorgeous hunk called Joden Simori that I had a huuuuge amount of fun with back when I had two accounts due to the fact that there were only four slots in the original Guild Wars. Anyhow, I think I played him non-stop for a long time and when I finally did make Jade, I was a bit rangered out. I'm still not overly fond of her and I may end up starting over.

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Pendaran Caradec Maeve An Binnech Sister Lemony Damien Winoc Ama Svenka Uriel Ninocha Brigit Gaenor Tasha Kerheim Zhor Sahiri Enfys Dunvael Xiao Jia Bei Nezrah Arazi