User:Shadowskullex360/Shadow Wars

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Shadow Wars by, Tecumseh Newberry (owner of Shadownet) _____________IDEA FOR GUILD WARS

I do not yet have any animation programs right now so i have included pixelated pictures made from microsoft paint. Remember this is NOT arenanet or NCsoft it is and unofficial sidestory of Guild Wars, yet i would like them to included in the in-game store as an exspansion. (and yes i own it) if they dont want to include it i at least want to collaberate with the company. (by the way please edit anything that has wrong grammar or spelling)

The Area is similar to Guild Wars 2 as it has one Large area for Quests and a seperate map for missions. The story of Shadow Wars includes a place similar to the Realm of Torment called the Shadow Realm, in the gallery part of this page i will include a pixelated map.

Well, the Character creation is similar to that of World of Warcraft for the looks, then like Guild Wars 2 for the stats.

I just want to say the most important boss of the entire game, (which like Dhumm bans people in the game, and also like Dhumm is undead)Skullex. Skullex is an assassin that focuses more on Piercing Damage then slashing. Skullex wields Corruption Blades that resemble bloody Charr Daggers and uses skills like "You Cannot Kill Death Itself" which is a shout that is used at 0 Health, Skullex Falls to the ground and then his body is picked up by Red and Black light and his Sunglasses fall off, Reaveling his completely White eyes. He then,Still surrounded by light begins burning and bleeding and begins rampaging for thirty seconds. After the thirty seconds the mission is over and you either died or survived. if you died all of the light disappears and skullex absorbs your blood and returns to normal. If you did not die the reward depends on your alliance. NOTES ON SKULLEX: his fingers are blades so in most cinematics before this mission he uses his fingers

GALLERY ________________

