User:Silavor/Story Arcs/Rebirth of the Homunculi

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  • A mysterious thief begins pilfering TSCA halls in the dead of night.

  • The thief runs into Kyto, a seemingly-immortal man bound to this world by some sort of Dark magic, who is watching over Aldezbald. The two talk for a bit, and the thief reveals herself to be a homunculus named Riya. She claims she is searching for a way to create a homunculus, preferably without the need for human souls. Riya's only wish is to have other companions like herself again; humans just don't cut it. However, as homunculi can't use magic themselves, Riya explains that she steals treasures and magical artifacts as a means of proxying magical powers, so she can one day create homunculi on her own. Kyto, taking pity on Riya's predicament, lets her escape into the night.

  • Over the next few nights, various other trinkets begin to vanish, culminating in the ultimate loss of a single magical candle from Castle Twilight's extensive storage of excess magic candles. Riya was next seen in Aldezbald, where she was channeling the bizarre, other-worldly magicks found there into herself. However, her body quickly began to grow sick, in a sort of allergic reaction to the magic she was pumping into herself. With the help of one of Kyto's henchmen, she managed to re-channel the energy out of herself and into a large assortment of gemstones and glass vials. Despite being saved, Riya still refused to give back her stolen wares, and after a brief debate about morals she vanished once more into the night.

  • Riya was next seen at a Rabbit Ball session, where she was pretending to be a Keeper of Twilight. However, none of Kyto's associates were there, so her appearance went rather unnoticed.

  • Meanwhile, 2.0 began doing his own exhaustive research on creating a homunculus. After gathering together vast assortments of magical relics, he began doing studies on their power, trying to find a means of focussing their energies into a single being.

  • After many trials, 2.0 eventually succeeded in binding magical energy into a "physical" manifestation. However, these manifestations were non-corporeal, and more closely resembled Celestials rather than Homunculi. While 2.0 documented these beings in his notes, he never informed anyone about these "successes" in Homunculus transmutation.

  • 2.0's next manifestation was another step closer to discovering how to create a homunculus. This manifestation, while only a foot tall and bound into a single, humanoid form, was completely corporeal, and responds to simple commands. However, besides being able to follow orders, the manifestation has shown no signs of intelligence, and remains completely mute. The disturbing lack of mental function has led 2.0 to believe this manifestation is more along the lines of a Construct, rather than a homunculus, since homunculi have an intellectual capacity rivaling that of an adult human. Like the "Celestials" from before, this manifestation was documented as a failure, and never revealed to the outside world.

  • In order to further his research into how a homunculus functions, 2.0 created a second Master Teleportation Stone, and placed it inside his body. Once he finishes gathering up human volunteers, 2.0 will lead an expedition inside himself.
  • The group discovered a whole Inner World lying within 2.0, waiting to be explored.

  • 2.0, using Silavor as a guinea pig, transmogrified his body into a substance resembling homunculus essence. Silavor surviving the transformation from "organic human" to "inorganic microscopic crystals" was no suprise, given his terrakinetic ability. However, when his now-inorganic body entered a stable magic equilibruim instead of entering a state of entropy -which would have caused his crystaline body to quickly return to normal- both Silavor and 2.0 were quite shocked. 2.0 created a whole new sub-class of creature, which he dubbed "Homunculoid", in which to put beings that, for all intents and purposes, were partial homunculi; creatures like Silavor.

  • Riya sought out Kyto and invited him to join the Keepers Of Twilight. Needless to say, Kyto needed very little convincing to hop on board. However, after explaining how the teleportation stones work, Riya revealed that she was nothing more than another form of 2.0. While their personalities and mindsets are completely different, Riya and 2.0 are simply two sides of the same coin; albeit an infinitely-sided coin.

  • Finally taking the initiative, 2.0 created a unique "self" for himself. Taking the name Alex, he shaped his face, body and voice to be a unique combination of the various people he had met in his life.

  • Using a demon's essence rather than a human soul, 2.0 succeeds in creating the first of a new generation of homunculi. The new one was given to Minako to raise, and she named it "Alexandria".