A full Year as a 50/50[edit]No reward for 1 year 50/50...and so much fun running around everywhere still. --Silverleaf This say's a lot about this wiki[edit]--Silverleaf![]() Not playing GW...[edit]...24/7 feels almost weird. After years of deathleveling throughout the night my laptops and pc are like...not on Oo! This weird feeling of not having a digital connection somewhere needs a big adjustment but ele is pretty and free of the enprisonment of pre!!! W00t!!! --Silverleaf I am leaving ...[edit]...Pre Ascalon for good!!! My Phoenix Silverleaf made LDoA this morning!!! W00T!!! When I get home from work (yes, I am on a coffeebreak atm) I will sear and fight my way to Lions Arch and beyond with the firm promiss to do every single quest available!!! Ele from here on and beyond .. Yihaaahhh!. --Silverleaf almost!![edit]--Silverleaf 1[edit]--Silverleaf 2[edit]--Silverleaf 3[edit]--Silverleaf 6[edit]--Silverleaf lvl19.87% LDoA[edit]Almost...I..must...not..zZz zZz. --Silverleaf I new there would be Charr Females...*singing*[edit] --Silverleaf lvl19.75% LDoA[edit]I....must...stay....strong ...and complete this title. Man-o-man this one requires determination. Supposedly one of my strongest pro aspects but getting there proves to be "challanging". With the many disconnects I am stretched in my patience for reaching lvl20. *determined face* I will get it though...if it takes me another year to complete it...I will get it!!! ;-). --Silverleaf So close & more secure[edit]LDoA....getting closer every night I don't forget to set my Phoenix Silverleaf at the shrine in pre. Lvl18.92% with 2 Moa's leveled. Those little digital critters keep breaking aggro. Meanwhile I did read the security suggestions by ArenaNet and installed LastPass for help with my tremendous ammount of passwords and access to so many different GW forums and webs. I feels good, knew that it would....I feeeeeeell fine...sugar and. Ahem..well..onwards!! LDoA I'm commin'. --Silverleaf lvl18.86% LDoA[edit]--Silverleaf & If I thought wisdom was long[edit]Am at lvl18,80% of LdoA. Still aiming for the boat and trying to go strong on it. I gotta be done with it before gw2 :). --Silverleaf Source of wisdom[edit]Between costumes fun and wintersday .. farming this title has been looooooooooooooooong. I made it though and was able to get the bookcases and the little writing desk in my HoM. --Silverleaf Oh what fun we have[edit]Still going strong on LDoA (18.65%) but totally distracted by the Costumes!! Legendary Defender Of Ascalon[edit]Been pretty absent from & gw it seems between HP & other good movies, cleaning my house, being ill and all .... Hold on..LDoA...ahhhhh. There's my reason. I have been deathleveling till dropping dead to get this thing going again. 18.29% and a lvl15 spider atm. Going strong. Just not active much ingame. Being ill and unable to read long times in a row or write. It will have to do like it is. Sure hope to put that pretty little boat with Gwen on it in my HoM soon.
--Silverleaf This page has been accessed 15,036 times![edit]Where did the hit's come from? Kewl anyway's. --Silverleaf Animal Companion's Complete[edit]A pretty Moss Spider to finalize the Menagerie collection :). --Silverleaf Can't miss GW[edit]I find myself still addicted to Guildwars with a new goal...A Miniature Miniature_Island_Guardian. No matter what the chances are of acually getting one....I need ecto's and Zaishen key's and stuff to be able to afford Farming farming....Upgraded my sinn to Perma in the hopes it won't get nerfed anytime soon. And still hoping for additional armors for my derv who's still missing the Marhan's_Grotto_armor#Marhan.27s_Grotto_Exclusive_Armor. And the Guild_Wars_Live_Team simple keeps me hooked on GW with all the new and pretty stuff to do. GW? However is that possible ;-). So many wishes still in-game...not the least being "Game Designer for GuildWars".
--Silverleaf Countering a scammer[edit]We've all had one way or the other dealt with the presence of a scammer. Well...this evening I countered a scammer on his/her own terf. He/she went afk in a Cathedral of Flame run without prior warning or paying the runner. While 2k isn't the same like the amount as for a FoW suit or that kind of a big a deal, it is about the principle of it. So...after the runner went back to the scammer and pulled aggro to kill the character I just went dancing with my devine aura on the dead body, rambling on about the ethics involved and why I made such a big deal about it. I even got offered 1k to ress him/her. Now why pay me 1k for a ress while not paying 2k for the agreed run. I refused offcourse. Now he/she did get the Deldrimor points and some drops but he/she got weary with waiting for me to leave and left without the chest reward. Yay! for the runner. While you can state it to be pityfull and a waist of time....I feel rather pleased that for once I was able to inflict some harmless payback. I think if the whole community of active players would counter them we would keep the mighty fine environment in Guild wars. --Silverleaf Kveldulf Minipet[edit]I simple could not help myself...I bought one from a fellow player for a fairly decent price but I got's my dream minipet. Kveldulf yay! --Silverleaf Helena[edit]Heart-attack, disbelieve, Flabbergasted, Speechless & utterly honored....Thank You! My name is Carolina Helena and I proudly enjoy this NPC! May she help and serve you all! --Silverleaf GWEMM!![edit]
AFK[edit]--Silverleaf 28[edit]
Happy New Year Everyone!![edit]Looking forward to this Guildwars2 year and my GWAMM title. --Silverleaf