User talk:Ryuu Desu/Ryuu Archives 3

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The following is an archive of the user talk for Ryuu Desu from March, 9th 2009 to May 7th, 2009.

Em Dashes Are Long And Short

You found this out, though :). I'm guessing you entered them directly rather than using & mdash ; elements , Annoying bit of trivia for copyediting in a font like Courier is that monspaced M's aren't any wider than anything else, so hypens, em dashes, and en dashes are all very close to the the same bloody length. Heck, some fonts they're identical, looks like Ems get two extra pixels in whatever I'm using at the moment. Just look at this fun and then look at it in edit:

— — — — (M)

– – – – (N)

- - - - (Hyphen)

^_^. Sorries, just in a rambling mood. --Star Weaver 21:28, 4 May 2009 (UTC)