User talk:Uchiha Lena/Lena Allums

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Is this not the guy who leached Kurzick JQ for over 1 year getting the title from the sweat of others. Glad to see the ban. 08:25, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

No. We have not been Kurzick in almost 3 years (I have been in the guild since the creation so I can say that proudly) and we all maxed our Kurzick title shortly-ish after it was released. The person you are refering to is a person who tries to grief our guild by the name of "Lena The Leechbot". I believe I have a screen shot the impersonator somewhere that shows "Leechbot" with our tag but with a different cape. -- 02:53, 18 September 2009 (UTC)