Guild:The Order Of Dii (historical)/Rules of Dii

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The Order Of Dii's Rules & Policies

(originally located here)

Guild Rules on Behaviour:
  • Remember you are representing the Guild at all time's. Be this when posting in the forum or in-game, you are wearing the Cape/Tag of teh guild and thus should act accordingly. Treat other's how you wish to be treated. The Guild has a good name through-out the gaming world for it's friendlyness and for it's enjoyment of the game. So please, don't go about flaming and causing trouble for no reason.
  • Repeated bad behaviour on the forum's and/or In-game can result in your dismissal from the guild. Before this happen's you will be spoken to about the complaints/concerns given against you, Names may or may not be mentioned. Failure to change such behaviour will result in a vote from the officer's which could result in your removal.
  • Remember to Have Fun while your here, it is after all a game and fun is the reason this guild was originally created!
Complaints about Member's/Officer's/Guild Master:
  • Any complaints about Officer's and/or Members (guild) should be given to the Guild Master. The complaint will be noted and if further action is required or wanted then it shall be taken by the Guild Master in the form of a talk with the person in question. No name's shall be given in unless required/wanted to save arguements/accusations in-game/forums.
  • Complaints may be logged in the officer's forum for future reference along with talk's (be it date and topic or the entire conversation) if the officer/Guild Master consider it to be possibly relavant in the future.
  • Complaints about the Guild Master should be given to an officer who should then talk with the GM about the issue to solve it.
  • Any complaints about Alliance Member's should be given to one of the Guild Reps. The rep should then discuss this issue with a Rep from the Guild Concerned.
Kicking Member's & Seating/De-seating Officer's/GM:
  • For a member to be removed from the guild many complaints must of been given and/or a serious act of breaking the rules.
  • Kicking a full member from the guild requires a vote from the officers. Previous warnings/complaints should be taken into consideration at the time. In order for the member to be removed a total of 70% of officer's must agree to removal in a vote.
  • Kicked member's may re-apply to the guild after six months.
  • To Deseat an officer or the Guild Master the guild will undertake a vote. A total of 70% in approval of the removal must be gained.
  • Anyone can nominate/volunteer a new Officer if a spot is avaliable and the person is a full member.
  • In the case of the GM position being open the entire guild will vote a new one in.
  • Induction lasts for three weeks starting from the date the inductee accept's the invite to the guild in-game.
  • At the end of two weeks a vote thread is to be posted in the Private Forum of the guild. This vote will last for seven days and include only two option's "yes" and "no" being the answer's to the question of "Should the inductee become a full member?". A final total of 70% "yes" is required for an inductee to become a full member. Anything below 70% "Yes" will result in the inductee being kicked from the guild. Member's should only vote if they have had enough contact with the inductee to form their own opinion be this through the game or the forum. Member's vote's should not be swayed by other members of the guild/community. The Vote thread is to be deleted after the week is completed.
  • Inductee's should be given a short Lo-Down of guild rules and event's that they might be interested in when invited this could be in the form of a talk/chat when (or before) invitation or a PM/E-mail sent to them.
  • Inductee's may re-apply to the guild if not voted in. The time given between disapproval and re-applying is not fixed and should be handled in a case-by-case manner (as every person is different). However one month should be considered the average time. This is so guild member's can give the person a fair induction as they start a-new.
  • Member's are NOT to post their feelings towards the inductee in the vote thread.
  • Inductee's must be sponsored by a current member.
  • Maximum of 4 inductee's are to be invited in the same week This means a maximum of 4 vote threads can be up at any-one time. A week begins on monday and finishes on sunday.
  • RECOMMENDEDInductee's should be invited under a character name similar to their forum account.

  • Member's Must have an account on the forum's used by the guild and a character name relating to/same as/similar to said account.
  • Member's should be active on the forum i.e. Check the guild forum at least once a week. The Guilds forum is the basis of the guild, it's where rules, event's, member's, builds etc are discussed and posted and so every member should try to stay as up-to-date as possible.
  • All member's have the ability to sponsor an inductee. It is the member's responcibility to get the inductee's required information (IGN, Forum name, etc).
  • All member's can setup Event's for the guild and alliance at anytime, just try not to clash with other event's.
  • If inactive for a month in-game without a given reason you shall be contacted by the GM or an Officer via E-mail, if no responce is given after two month's you shall be kicked from the guild. Absences should be posted in the appropiate thread with a date of leaving/return (if applicable). If the absence is unexpected and you are unable to gain access to the internet try to get in contact with another member of the guild for them to cover for you (i.e. make a post for you). If you give reason for an absence but do not return in the time you posted (i.e. a return date) one extra month shall be given before removal from the guild.
  • Preferably there should always be an even number of officers and enough to cover the major timezones of the guild.
  • Officers are there for the benefit of the members. Remember this and make your decisions for the guild based on this.
  • Some officer's will have jobs assigned to them while other's will be expected to help out where-ever is needed. All should do what they can for the guild.
  • The following is a list of Officer Job Title's and the duties they are expected to fullfill, Preferably there will be at least two of each of the listed officers:

  1. PvP Officers: There to promote group player versus player activities be this GvG, Alliance battle's, Hero's Ascent or Team Arena's. They should be experianced in PvP and thus be able to help with build's and improvements in play. They should expect to keep track of member's strong playing attributes/roles and thus assign roles when setting up teams. It should also be expected that the PvP officer's try to help improve the general skill level of the guild's member's be this through group practice and/or one on one tuition for specific tasks. They will also be expected to, if present, Keep the GvG thread thread up-to-date with small review's on how the battle's went.
  2. Pve Officers: There for the promotion of grouping in PvE. These officers should try to organize PvE runs such as missions, bonus', runs, FoW/UW, farming, challenges etc. Preferably these officers will also be able to answer questions concerning PvE such as what and how to complete certain bonus' Or know a place that would give the answer. They should try to keep track of where members are with characters and organize help groups for progression if wanted.
  3. Mule Officers: These officers are expected to keep the guild mule tidy and the thread up-to-date. Preferably this thread will be updated at least once a month. They are also responcible for what members have access to the account.
  4. Other Officers: All other officers will be expected to help out where-ever they can, be this with members, other officers jobs or upkeep of the forum threads..
  5. Event's Officer: Should work with the pvp and pve officer's (as well as member's putting up events) to get event's going and schedueled, making sure no event's overlap. They should take responcibility of informing people of event's and posting reminder's in-game a day or two before it occur's. They should also try to keep a record of people's play time's so that the guild know when the best time to setup an event is.
  • Any Officer can set Policies/Rules for their area but the proposal must go before all other officer's in a vote. Policies suggested cannot go against current rules. Preferably policies should be changed until a large majority agree with what is suggested (70%) but in the case of a tie the GM will cast the deciding vote.
  • Any member can suggest a person or volunteer for a vacant officer position. The officer's and GM will then vote on wether to promote the member or not, a 70% "Yes" to the members promotion must be achieved in a vote thread in the officers forum. The thread should be deleted before access to the forum is given.
  • The officers are to keep a thread in the guild private forum informing the guild of what topics are being discussed in the officers forum if the topic has not already been put forth to the guild.

Alliance Reps:
  • Are to be picked by the GM. (Representation is admin work).
  • Are to post a summery of decision's/meeting's in the private forum for all member's to see concerning the alliance.
  • If a decision is to be made within the alliance then a thread with all options avaliable is to be posted in the private forums. All member's are allowed to vote in this thread. At the end of the vote the rep's vote's will reflect the guild's. This mean's that if the guild voted 3/5 in favour and 2/5 oppossed then 3 rep's will vote in favour and 2 reps will vote against. Who vote's what will be posted by the GM to save confusion between the reps.
  • Member's are encouraged to ask any questions they have before voting.
Guild Master:
  • The GM takes charge of Admin work, this includes jobs such as Inductee/Member votes, Keeping the Rule threads up-to-date etc.
  • The GM should also make sure everyone is doing their set jobs or why they're not (if thats the case) and checkup on the guild members to make sure all is running smoothly and friendly.
  • Any complaints about Officers/members should go to the GM who should then try to find a solution, it is the GM's job to log any complaints/issue's that he/she finds important and post them in the Officer forum for possible future referance.
  • Any complaints about rules/policies from members should also be brought to the GM who should then inform the appropiate officer(s)
  • The GM should be approachable to both members and officers and thus promote/ease communication between people.
  • The GM is also there for relations with outside guilds that take an interest in Dii.
  • If an immediate decision needs to be made and the GM is online then it is up to the GM to make. Before the decision is made the GM should take into consideration the guild's. The decision can then be discussed at a later time. This is to stop arguements occuring and interferring with the game(s) that are currently occuring.
  • It is the responcibility of teh GM to talk to member's/officer's of any problem's that have arrisen against them and to thus try to find a solution.
  • The GM is to take on any vacant officer role until a person is found to fill it. In the case of a vote the GM is to take that officer's vote, this applies to vacant officer roles and also if an officer is Missing/absent e.g. holiday, missing for a week, can't be contacted in a reasonable amount of time etc.
GvG Battles:
  • This can happen at anytime and does not require schedueling or a pvp officer to be present.
  • Should be schedueled (or try to occur) at least once a week with a set time period and build to be used.
  • Anyone within the guild is allowed to GvG but should try to match what the team needs as closely as possible. If they can fill another role and another member can fill the open space with the required setup then a swap should be made between people. Anyone waiting to GvG should be subbed into the team after a couple of matches.
  • While the rating isn't the most important thing in the world to the guild please respect it. Some people work hard to keep it up and care about the guilds ranking, with this in mind I ask that you try to only go into a match if the team has a chance a winning.
  • It is preferable that there are 8 human players and at least 6 of them to be members of the guild within a team. This is a request not a rule again relating to the guilds ranking.
  • Guest's may be invited and accepted for matches at anytime however guild member's should always take priorty over guests.

  • Alliance battles, feel free to do them as much as you like. Obviously it doesn't hurt the guild if you lose so play about with any builds etc at will.
  • It is not required that you donate faction to the guild but it is greatly appreciated as with enough of it we can start to purchase outposts.
  • Buying outposts will be a guild decision, if the guild is reaching enough faction to buy an area then a thread or notification should be created to tell the guild this and then a decision by the entire guild will be made on wether or not to purchase said outpost via a vote thread, this thread could be open for any amount of time depending on the faction avliable but a minimum of r three day's is required. A week should be considered average.
  • Anyone can set these up and the proposed event should be posted in the private, public or alliance forum depending on what company is wanted.
  • A time, place and the event should be posted so people know what they are signing up for.
  • Officer's and Alliance rep's (If applicable) should help make people aware of the event. This should be done by putting a notice up of the event in the in-game message a day or two before the event and also by putting the finalized event, time, etc in the activites thread in the private forum.
  • The guild should attempt to have an event/meeting at least once a week even if it's just a chance for everyone to get together and decide at the time.