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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the mobile site */
/* Used on the [[Main Page]]. */
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/* Skill infobox template */
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div.skill-box dt
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/* Lesser infobox templates */
.infobox.guild_hall th
{ background: #CAD; } th
{ background: #E5DFEB; }

/* Skill infobox template, profession icon background; use 'profession-bg' for general usage */
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{ background: #FFF url(./images/e/ec/Any-faded-large.png) no-repeat 8em 0em; }
div.skill-box.Warrior,      .profession-bg.Warrior
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div.skill-box.Monk,         .profession-bg.Monk
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div.skill-box.Elementalist, .profession-bg.Elementalist
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div.skill-box.Mesmer,       .profession-bg.Mesmer
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div.skill-box.Necromancer,  .profession-bg.Necromancer
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div.skill-box.Assassin,     .profession-bg.Assassin
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div.skill-box.Ritualist,    .profession-bg.Ritualist
{ background: #FFF url(./images/b/b7/Ritualist-faded-large.png) no-repeat 8.5em -1em; }
div.skill-box.Paragon,      .profession-bg.Paragon
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div.skill-box.Dervish,      .profession-bg.Dervish
{ background: #FFF url(./images/b/b7/Dervish-faded-large.png) no-repeat 8.5em 1em; }
div.skill-box.Monster,      .profession-bg.Monster
{ background: #FFF url(./images/a/a5/Monster-faded-large.png) no-repeat 7.5em 0em; }

/* Miscellaneous changes */
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ol.references > li:target, sup.reference:target, cite:target
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sup, sub
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h5, h6
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{ display: none; }

/* Universal styles */
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/* Avoid descending letters in the last edited text being clipped */
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/** UI BUTTONS **/
/* Sidebar - Community portal */
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/* Sidebar - Recent changes */
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/* Sidebar - Help center */
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/* Sidebar - Admin noticeboard */
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/* Sidebar - Wiki bug */
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