ArenaNet:Skill feedback/Elementalist/Iron Mist

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Info-Logo.png Note: As of September 2, 2009 this page is no longer active. If you have suggestions for Guild Wars skills please go to Feedback:Main to learn how to submit suggestions that ArenaNet can use.

Iron Mist Iron Mist (last update: never)

SavageX's Issue -- 03:15, 21 February 2008 (UTC)


The "immunity to all damage except lightning damage" part makes this spell very undesirable to bring unless the team is coordinated to all use lightning damage.
To make this skill see more use, I would suggest that instead of immunity to all but lightning, all damage sources are reduced by a percent (perhaps 50%) except for lightning damage. To compensate, the movement speed would be reduced to 66%. Another idea is to have the hex be removed if the target foe is attacked by damage that is not lightning, similar to Pacifism.

Alex's Issue (28 November 2008)

In an attribute which is useless for Lightning Damage.
Move the skill to Air Magic. This would give the skill some usage.

Akirai's Issue

Never sees use. It casts too slow for defensive snaring, yet the damage immunity prevents offensive snaring. Changing the immunity to a hefty amount of +armor might make the skill useable.
Iron Mist - 5e//2c//30r (5..17..20 duration) Hex Spell. Target moves 90% slower and gains 40 armor. Target takes double lightning damage.
+40 armor halves all armor effected damage (weapons, most DPS spells) except for Air Magic, which normally has armor penetration. The double lightning damage is to keep the theme in tact. Air spike is prevented thanks to the long cast time (making it easily disrupted) and cause it announces spikes way too soon, ensuring prot will be in place.