ArenaNet:Skill feedback/Ritualist/Vocal was Sogolon

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Vocal was Sogolon Vocal was Sogolon

Samcobra's Issue -- Samcobra 12:38, 21 April 2008 (UTC)


As such, an item spell carries inherent problems, since paragons can't attack to gain adren for their shouts. Also, energy cost and recharge are too high to use it for a specific skill. Ritualsts also won't use this because the inherent e-management to using shouts is leadership, which rits lack. As such, resto is a weak combo with paras, so buffing this skill would possibly make that a more attractive combination
reduce energy cost to 5e, reduce recharge to 15s. Perhaps add an additional factor such as getting 1..3 strikes of adrenaline when dropped.

Samcobra 12:38, 21 April 2008 (UTC)