ArenaNet talk:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Heroes

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Option To Use Your Other Characters as Heroes

This would be awesome in my opinion. It would further customize the game so that everyone wasn't best friends with Ogden Stonehealer and/or Olias etc. It would also be pretty neat if you were able to switch primary character between heroes, especially if they were your own characters. This might require characters to be near the same level or meet in the same mission or location, so people wouldn't buff up new characters with their older characters and have them gaining xp in party in some crazy area of the game/buying elite equip with a level 1 character, but could be really cool. Maybe they'd both have to be level 20. --Frank

Nice idea... But to not make it unbalance the game by alloving players do what said above, just make some restrictions: for example, you can't take your char1 as hero of char2 in location where char1 never been yet and you can't use char1 as hero of char2 if char2 is X levels below char1. That will make sense. Ratys 19:13, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Awesome Idea! but it might be tough at the beginning to get enough chars to higher levels becuase they will most likely raise level cap. It might take a long time to have some higher level heros. Still like the idea though. -- 21:15, 28 April 2008 (UTC)
That's a nice idea, cause sometimes i feel like my heros are just not good enough, and i just cant get nice armor for em XD So it would be nice to use other charrs.--Zole Thzarr
Would LOVE that, would be an instant sell point for me. -- 18:19, 6 May 2008 (UTC)
Smithyben here, should log in. I wanted this since day one honestly. It would be horrible on rewards and stuff though, that means i cant get multiple rewards. inless they made it so your hero was a mirror of your other player and just used the same stuff but not actually the player.

That would be awesome, and a way to maybe balance it would be that the hero(your character) must be within a certain level range of the main character. Say maybe 10- 15 levels up or down. --higgin3 21:47, 8 May 2008 (UTC)

Nice idea....HEY NCSOFT!!! i THINK WE HAVE A GOOD ONE!!!. -Lu Sen

Sweet ideas, i think thatyou should get the full usual prize and same with the other character so you dont have to worry about getting less of a prize.

would they still have the PVE skills if they have them?? I mean the norn will have ursan blessing right?? wow imagine ursan blessing and bear change on at the same time.

I would very much like this option as well, however I think there would have to be some limitations in place. For example, if you Mastered a mission using one of your other characters, that other character wouldn't necessarily receive Master's reward, since technically you weren't "playing" the character. I really do like the idea of taking "The Brotherhood" out together though.  ;-) Patrickvp 23:28, 13 May 2008 (UTC)patrickvp

. yes i like this idea, but i would say you can just create your own/customize your heroes , i think that would be easier and you wouldn't need that much characters that are far in the game.

i think that this is a great idea. if you added this in to gw2 than it would be so much easier to lvl your people up.

Apart from the fact that this has been put in the GW2 suggestion page and that none of us even know if heroes are going to be in GW2, actually from the info they have released it seems highly unlikely. Also the maintaining of an active database of usable heroes with relevant runes and armour would be incredibly intensive coding and I think you are all underestimating how hard this would be to instate, if it we're even possible. I'll admit it would be a cool wee edition just think its not worth the coding time, expense and effort to in effect inact a purely aesthetic change. -- Salome User salome sig.png 20:25, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

Though I feel this is a good idea, it would be very difficult to implement, as what happens if you have a single main character, and haven't made any others. Then you get bored and finally make a second. Would the new character be able to skip straight to where the older character is, or have access to that character's greater skill, making the game way too easy either way. I know going through the campaigns repeatedly is annoying, and this system could possibly work in GW1, but with the removal (or heightening, I haven't been paying much attention to what happens in GW2) of the level limit, you could end up with a lvl 1 character able to access a lvl 100+ character as a hero. Sure people would be able to give help, but at least that promotes playing together as a team. Otherwise what would be the point of having this game online. It's a nice idea in principle, but I don't think it's all that practical Cloud Xan 13:03, 17 May 2008 (UTC)

I guess I assumed that heroes, or at least something comparable to heroes would be included in GW2. In terms of coding complexity and increasing data storage on the server, I do a lot of programming and I don't see either actually being a problem. The script determining the behavior of your character hero would be the same as any other hero script (which is essentially a modified henchman script), and in terms of data storage, the runes, armor, appearance, weapons, all of that data relevant to your characters is already stored on the server. The only difference that might be necessary is access to that character's backpack/inventory while in a town/non-combat zone so you can select a weapon for that character from his/her own inventory. However, customizable EXTRA heroes WOULD add a ton of data that the server would have to maintain. In terms of messing with game balance, maybe they'd have to be within a certain number of levels of each other or a percent of levels due to the no-level-cap (say 10 or 15 percent of the lower level character). Or, maybe it doesn't really matter over a certain level and you don't get any attribute points after a certain level, I'm not sure how the GW2 game mechanics are going to work, but if there is a cutoff level for attribute points, then maybe they'd both have to be that level. In terms of leveling many characters being too easy, maybe you choose between experience options in town being either share exp evenly or only main character exp, that way it doesn't necessarily benefit you to make three extra characters for one main character you're going to play. For other companions, if maintaining a few characters isn't your cup of tea, henchmen or standard heroes (if there are any in GW2) could accompany you. I think it would be fun, convenient, and add more diversity to the game. - Frank

this sounds like a great idea i think guild wars should go with it!--Gar the tank 19:37, 28 May 2008 (UTC)

Wow, great idea! Narziss 21:52, 28 May 2008 (UTC)

If GW can pull this off, I'll be first in line for the game. Many people think of intersecting backstories for their characters, myself included, and I would love for them to actually GO somewhere.

Well, It can be done, and very easily, and effectively without throwing off game Balance. Basically, say your in the starter town, and have 3 other chars, all in LA(if this was GW1 style). You take some other char to LA, and all 3 of those chars show up in the hero menu. If you go to droks, and only one char has been there, then only that one char shows up. You can only pick up your own chars in places that they have been before. No level requirement. B/c think, its not throwing of the balance, its just shifting who is doing what. I would no longer have to beg friends for high lvl help on a low lvl char. It would make having multiple chars and investing time in them more worth it. It would have to be unrestricted in the sense that you have access to all chars inventopries at once, all their quest logs, able to accept quests for all of them, ect. Anything you can do on one char, should transcend onto all the others with you. In the end, it should be JUST LIKE you have other people's chars in your party, except controlled by Hero AI. Highly Doable, would work very nicely, and would make me want to put more itme in on all my characters. The only other limitation other than what towns you can add them to your party in, could be number with you. maybe do it like GW1 heros and only 3 of your own chars in a party..... --Wolf 15:18, 9 June 2008 (UTC)

I have to say, a lot of cool ideas - customization and adding an extra incentive to play those side characters (and to add a backstory!) - I'd be first to buy this game if it was anything like that. If it can be done...well,I'll be impressed, it'll certainly be a big step in MMO development and would surely set it apart from the competition.

I strongly support this idea. With that said, I don't believe heroes will be in GW2. For that reason, I think this should be moved to the GW1 suggestions area, because this would make a great addition to the original game. --Jette 05:52, 17 June 2008 (UTC)

A suggestion on a way to fix hero/ character unbalances: Whatever characters you choose as heroes could only be in level range and stat range or something as main character in use/ either that, or heroes would be at level and attribute range of monsters in area. --higgin3 23:34, 21 July 2008 (UTC)