ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/Monk/Mending

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High Initial Energy Cost

I understand that this spell needs to have low health-to-energy ratio because it provides the benefit of healing while running or attacking, without having to risk standing still and being interrupted. But 10 initial energy cost is high since the health regen effect is paid for with upkeep cost. Other Healing spells that require 10 energy like Heal Other provide a substantial initial effect, but for Mending the energy cost just pays for the caster to begin paying more energy for upkeep. It'd be cool if the 10 energy for initial cast provided a small effect, such as "on cast, target loses x conditions. While maintained, target has +y health regen." Alternatively, please consider dropping the energy to cast the spell. If there are any concerns that it could be used as a cheap cover enchant, there are already plenty of alternatives like Purifying Veil and Holy Veil that cost 5 energy, and additionally provide benefits even if they are removed by the enemy immediately after cast. Thank you for your time! - Elder Angelus 21:56, 8 May 2008 (UTC)

Mending is meant to be a joke, tbh. It serves it's function well - a noob indicator. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 15:52, 9 May 2008 (UTC)

This is one of those skills that will be bad without a complete overhaul, no matter what you do. Even if it gave +30 health regeneration, it just wouldn't be worth it - flat heals are just so much better thanks to the cap on health and energy regeneration. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 02:29, 11 May 2008 (UTC)

+30 would be pretty epic, tbh. You know, this does has a decent heal per energy when it is allowed to stick - in the same vein as heal party. Tbh, don't touch this. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 12:48, 11 May 2008 (UTC)
What? Mending is horribly inefficient. Without taking Divine Favor or enchanting mods into account, Healing Breeze would still outperform Mending even if Mending had no casting cost. -- Gordon Ecker 01:08, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
That's pretty bloody horrible. Although I support +30 regen for 55 monks, gogo. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 02:23, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
I forgot to mention blessed signet. My bad. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 13:46, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
So I'm using two skill slots for some easily removable and out-DPSable healing? Your plan only works in ideal circumstances, which you don't have the moment someone joins the other team. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 16:43, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
For comparison: A warrior with frenzy and a customized 15^50 axe is doing around 50 DPS. Even if mending gave +30 health regeneration (and we'll assume I don't strip it or somehow bring the regen down below 10), I'd be out-damaging it through guardian. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 16:45, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
Also note that that's before using any other skills. With one skill on my bar, I'm outdoing three skills on yours. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 16:46, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
I know you will hate my following idea, but the skill would become usuable: Enchantment Spell. While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally gains +1...3...4 Health regeneration and a 15...45...50% chance to block. Energy: 10 / Casting time: 1 second / Recharge: 10 seconds. It is a maintainable version of Weapon of Warding with a higher recharge, slightly lower blockchance, lower regeneration and the important fact, that it can be removed. But this version mybe wouldn't be only a noob-indicator anymore (especially on monks). And yes I know, people hate everything that increases the amount of Blockway builds... A. von Rin 18:36, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
Actually, I wouldn't mind too much, because that would die in PvP (maintain + shatter) and might work well in PvE. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 20:32, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
Well, armond, that's a pretty unfair comparison. Keep in mind that with 30 degen, maintained on the entire party, is about 80 pips, not counting the immunity to degen. That's about 160 healing per second. Without doing anything. You can damage through LoD, but that doesn't make it and less awesome. So yeah, a 30 regen buff just begs for passive bullshitty play in pve, which we, you'know, try to stop? Meh - I'm just the devil's advocate here. Mending sucks as it is. 30 regen would be broken, at least on pve. I would be much more happy with a cast cost and cast time reduce, with a small nudge to the regen. So, maybe a 5 cost 0.5 cast mending that gives 5 regen at best. Tbh, that's not half bad - Its passive, so its always active, and kiting makes it worth while. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 13:21, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
If you're putting mending on all your party members, you've got -4 energy regeneration. I know that's manageable with blessed signet, mantra of inscriptions, and so forth, but I'd love to see you spam guardian, prot spirit/spirit bond, and aegis like that. LoD can do that pretty damn easily. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 14:35, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
Well, you save your elite, and with MoI, you get some decent reloads on decent monk signets, rejuvenation comes to mind, so you also get free spot heals. You can use your elite for energy management (YUCK) or maybe something like a prot elite. ıt would be viable, tbh. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 17:27, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
If you can't use Guardian, Spirit Bond, Protective Spirit, Shield of Absorption, or Aegis on a monk bar, it's not viable. End of subject. Warriors simply do far too much damage for pure healing to take care of it all. Not to mention that monk signets tend to suck, with the exception of the dual-sig glimmer build that's fallen out of use. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 16:38, 14 May 2008 (UTC)
The point was that you could use prots on a bar with 30+ mending. Meh. Just semantics, but 30+ mending is good. Kiting and good snares make that real effective in relieving minor pressure, but for spikes and shadowsteps, you acn still sue prots cause you use a lodish normal skill (mending) and then you can use an elite emanagement. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 18:44, 14 May 2008 (UTC)
Said point is invalid, however, not least because you're giving up other great elites. I can go on all day as to why it's really bad to rely on maintaining enchantments on eight party members, if you want, but perhaps you'd prefer that on your talk page... -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 19:20, 14 May 2008 (UTC)
What I was trying to say was that a 30+ mending would be as good as lod, so you don't need your elite. But yeah, we can argue this somewhere else. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 15:05, 15 May 2008 (UTC)