ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/PvE/Ebon Battle Standard of Honor

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Gordon Ecker's discussion

dont like the change, the % will jsut make it a group intensity, which would be dumb. necros in pve are mostly mms and if they use battle standard with say...a blood spiker, its just like...why? spirit bombers have painful bond. no one. i repeat. NO ONE wants a smiter monk in pve (unless they are in undead area). mesmers...well, sorrrrryyyyy. 03:08, 12 April 2008 (UTC)

Minions are useless in many areas, and this wouldn't affect blood spikers because life stealing doesn't count as damage. As for being overpowered, having a percentile damage increase would only be overpowered if the percentage was too high, and I have already established that this skill is already more powerful than Intensity when used with ADOT spells. Your arguement seems to be that smiters should stay weak against non-undead foes because they're unpopular, and you haven't provided any reason why Mesmers being able to benefit from this skill would be a bad thing. -- Gordon Ecker 04:17, 12 April 2008 (UTC)
Why transform a skill that at least has synergies (and even synergies with underpowered stuff) into a brainless powercreep skill? Take a closer look at what this skill actually synergizes well with. Firestorm? Armor respecting nukes? When did you last see them used? Any damage dealer nowadays uses either Ursan Blessing (most overpowered, brainless and gamebreaking skill by far) or Cry of Pain (second most overpowered skill, but at least not as brainless and gamebreaking as UB). Do you really want to boost those two even more?? EBSH is fine as it is. Boosting the already extremly underpowered armor respecting dmg against those lvl30 mobs with crazy AL. There is really no sane reason to make it boost armor ignoring dmg as well. And making it % based instead of adding an absolute number just makes it a boring power creep skill. You can't build around it, can't harness its powers, you just brainlessly slap it on for your straight dmg boost. Beetlejuice 02:35, 4 May 2008 (UTC)
Armor respecting ADOT nukes, it has weak synergy with armor respecting instant nukes and no synergy with armor ignoring nukes, and every non-Elementalist nuke is single packet, armor-ignoring or both. In Slavers' Exile, one of the few high-end areas not completely dominated by Ursan groups, Savannah Heat / Meteor Shower nukers are one of the most popular and powerful non-Ursan builds, and this skill in its' current form synergizes with Savannah Heat and Meteor Shower, further favoring one of the most overpowered non-Ursan builds in the game and rewarding profession stacking. -- Gordon Ecker 02:52, 4 May 2008 (UTC)
QQ more. So you can't farm Slavers' with a mesmer. Play another class then that DOES take advantage of this skill. 22:57, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
I do play other professions that take advantage of this skill. This page is for balance suggestions, not whining or ad hominem attacks, if a high-end area is heavily biased for or against certain professions, that is a balance issue. If you can't make any meaningful contributions to this discussion, don't post in it. -- Gordon Ecker 23:36, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
I'm awaiting what the real problem is here, especially now that Ursan got nerfed. 02:19, 1 December 2008 (UTC)