Feedback talk:User/Aliceandsven/Legendary Quality Items

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There is already a mechanic to customize a weapon so only that character can wield it + it gives +20% dmg with that weapon, though it can still be traded. Just go to any weaponsmith and select customize weapon it only costs 10g. - Giant Nuker 13:26, 24 April 2010 (UTC)

Note how it says "automatically customize" Lyra ValoUser Lyra Valo Sig.jpg 00:39, 9 July 2010 (UTC)


I like this idea. The idea of items as a symbol of an accomplishment (and not as a symbol of lolfarming) is a good one, imo. My derv has a Dhuum's Soul Reaper, for example, and someone gave it to me.
If you think about it, a system like this sort of exists already with the PvP-only skins: having one signifies that you've earned (in some cases, a shit load of) Reward Points, something that no amount of farming UW can imitate. I wouldn't mind seeing it for certain accomplishments in PvE, either (elite missions, master-level quests, etc).
This kind of reminded me of something I was thinking about yesterday: skill trainers. In prophs, there's a skill quest where you have to hammer bash some mob to interrupt some skill; there should be many, many more like that, imo. Maybe then people would stop suq. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 23:17, 27 Jul 2010 (UTC)

They made it possible to trade Zcoins for reds tho :/. Morphy 20:14, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
...Oh, right. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 23:11, 28 Jul 2010 (UTC)