Feedback talk:User/Farlo/World Map 2.0

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Well, for starters, that map you have it very inaccurate. Tyria is significantly larger compared to Elona. Another problem are the "beyond the edge of the map" parts. You can't really ahve a world map without filling some of those in, and Anet might have other plans for those spots in GW2 that they don't want revealed yet and don't want to be locked into something made now. Technical wise, it might not be all that hard, but with the Live Team at, what, five members its just not plausible.--Will Greyhawk 22:29, 10 August 2011 (UTC)

Well, if you're taking things that literally, then that's not a map I made or even some "finished" example, Merely a visual demonstration of what the map could look like. ~FarloUser Farlo Triad.pngTalk 23:38, 10 August 2011 (UTC)