Feedback talk:User/GreatWallStr/Currency Among the Races

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While I doubt they'd actually do it, I love the idea. Realistically, different races would indeed have different currencies. Jeez, just look at our world. I don't even want to know how many currency-types there are here. O_o;;;

I'd assume the racial currencies would drop in that area, so you probably would get the potential problem of people farming/trading/etc. for just the most expensive currency and that then becoming the unofficial currency for player-to-player trades.

Something else that might be worth adding, especially if these races have been at trade for a while, is a sort of moneychanger NPC in the bigger towns/cities of each area, so that you can trade some of your other currency for the local currency.

Also, a moneybelt might be of use. Something that just carries the various monies, up to a certain point total. Like if we have the same 100k limit on our character, and you had 67k of one, you could only carry 33k of the rest.

Heh, I'm not sure. These are just some of the thoughts that popped into MY head while reading the idea. Take 'em as you will. Lady Chani 01:24, 7 March 2010 (UTC)

This is just stupid. All of Tyria uses gold right now. Why would they change in 250 years? User Felix Omni Signature.pngelix Omni 01:45, 7 March 2010 (UTC)
... because all the Tyria we see is just of the human races? Who knows how the charr trade, or any other race? And, why does anything change in 250 years? >.<Lady Chani 08:37, 7 March 2010 (UTC)
Lol Felix, someone needs to brush up on their history. ;) Whenever a nation is isolated from others, or has little contact with others (whether it be by their own free will or not) they will develop a form of marketing that suits them regardless of what others are doing. The Sylvari are new to the world, and are lovers of nature. I doubt they would immediately think "Oh, let's use gold like the humans", because they have had little contact with humanity. Rather, it seems logical they would create their OWN form of currency or trade, whether it be using a sort of medium (as I suggested) or simply bartering. The Charr have despised the humans for a GREAT many years, and I doubt they would share their currency. Think of currency in the castle times: It was usually gold imprinted with the image of a highly esteemed individual. In this case: the queen. So why would Charr insist on using such gold coins? My answer? They would not. The Charr, however, seem practical; their currency would be valuable by its use, not its rarity. Therefore I made it something that could be used to enhance weaponry or armor, but any useful type of ore would be fitting for the Charr. :) The Norn have some contact with humans, but not enough to greatly influence their monetary system, and the Asura had been living underground for centuries and are just starting out in the new world; I HIGHLY doubt they would be using the same currency as humans. :) Do you see what I'm saying? --GreatWallStr 13:52, 7 March 2010 (UTC)

They should have banks that exchange a certain amount of one races currency to the equal amount of another's

No surely they would still all use gold, as if you kill a charr, they drop gold in GW1, surely indicating they use gold as a currency, or lucky charm of some sorts. Norn merchants in EotN barter with gold, as do Asuran. The only species which could have a different currency would be the Sylvari, which were raised by that centaur, and the centaurs bartered with gold in the maguuma jungle.