Feedback talk:User/Ilr/Replace Potions

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Other things to consider:

Don't know if this mode should be accessible while out of combat... IoW: if the player had it disabled during a fight and drained their energy to zilch... should they be able to run around in Out-of-Combat mode ((faster running)) with this Energy buff where all the downsides intended for it wouldn't be felt? Also; Are there any other mechanics that could be injected that hinder Farmers/Tweakers more? And would this system justify certain Uber skills & Rolling in general having short -Regen penalties attached to them like Zealous mods & Obsidian Flesh has? Other ideas? --ilrUser ilr deprav.png 20:44, 23 August 2010 (UTC)

Maybe its just me being dense, but i dont understand this at all. You explained what was wrong with potions, fine, you explained what jittering is, fine. What i dont get is how jittering has anything to do with energy regen, which is what the potions are for if i understand correctly. How does replacing potions with this jittering thing affect energy (possibly health?) regen? I genuinely dont understand btw, this isnt me trying to make a dig or anything lol. --Jimmer123 09:42, 24 August 2010 (UTC)

Good point, I might not have made that part clear enough... Though if you click on the very large Word right there at the top that says Energy Regain takes you to an example of the UPSIDE for what should replace Guildwars2 potions. While Jittering is the "Downside" that replaces all the other negative issues with Potions(resource sink, junky drop, taking up inventory space, COOLDOWN TIMERS, very limited Utility, running out, etc)
And let me be perfectly clear, GW1 had potions in the form of Blood Ritual, BiP, and Mantra of Recall...In other words, instant energy regain like the traditional potions added to GW2 and incremental Energy "Regen" are basically the same thing. Regen is just slightly more balanced, especially when it's an Enchant or stance or whatever. Some users might be too young to know about it, but when Diablo-II came out for instance; it had instant regain all in one "packet" but they eventually changed it to a more gradual Regen mechanic too. That's why I linked to a strong Regen skill instead of just saying "You gain this much Energy in one lump packet". --ilrUser ilr deprav.png 14:56, 24 August 2010 (UTC)